Worry? What could go wrong?
Well, he brought white nationalist rhetoric into the mainstream, blew up the deficit with a YUGE tax cut for the rich, tried to extort a favor from Ukraine by withholding military aid they needed to fight off Russian aggression, gutted environmental protections, separated children from their families put them in cages, and attempted to carry out the first coup in U.S. history (a project that he is still working on today). Maybe the better question is, what MORE could go wrong? Stay tuned.
But gas was 100% lower
There weren’t wars in Europe
We were 100% energy independent
No stagflation
No recession
Less dear Mexicans at the boarder.
But hey. There’s no mean tweets now.
Man, we have been over and over those tired old talking points. But I guess I can debunk them one more time for you. Here goes (sigh):
US presidents don't control the price of gas. It's a global market with many, many players, including some very avaricious oil companies that are always looking for an opportunity to gouge their customers.
The current US president had no role in Putin's decision-making process, but the former one certainly emboldened Vlad the Invader by bad mouthing NATO and trying to extort a personal favor from Ukraine by withholding the military aid needed to fight off Russia's aggression.
The USA is still essentially energy-independent. Moreso every day as our green energy infrastructure continues to develop.
US presidents do not have control over interest rates or inflation rates. Those things are set up by market cycles interacting with fiscal and monetary policy over decades.
We are not currently experiencing stagnation; the economy is booming.
There were LOTS of Mexicans seeking to enter the USA during the reign of his majesty Don Cheato. Remember the huge caravans of migrants coming to our southern border? But credit where credit is due, Donaldo el Cheato did innovate the separation of children from their families and housing kids in cages. Viva Don Cheato!
We have indeed enjoyed a welcome respite from libelous, mendacious, mean-spirited, and hateful tweets from the former would-be American dictator. However, as much as I despised every putrid, misspelled word he tweeted, I think it might be just as well to give Don Cheato all the rope he needs to hang himself. With Mr. E. Musk now in charge, we may soon see that happy ending.
@Umbrella_Guard You make some interesting points. The housing market has been looking more and more like a bubble over the last couple of years, so it's no big surprise that there might be a correction under way.
I don't think the price of gasoline will have much effect on people's decision to migrate. For one thing, the gasoline industry in Mexico is nationalized, and the price of gas is subsidized and stabilized by the Mexican government. Also, many migrants hop a northbound freight train known as La Bestia (the Beast). Many others take buses, hitchhike, or simply walk. The level of desperation to flee violent gangs or lack of economic opportunity is what mainly drives people to leave their homes. And more and more these days, extreme weather is driving people to move.
The government controls the property ownership, permitting, pumping, the amount aloud to be pumped, shipping, taxation, and storage of oil, but they have no control over it???
Are you freaken drunk, stoned, or just stupid????
@CourtJester The government does not control, it regulates. And let's face it: the regulations are pretty lax.
And the US fossil fuel industry receives around 50 billion dollars a year in corporate welfare. It's obscene. That's why gas prices have been held so artificially low for so long. Hell, in Europe they were paying five dollars per gallon 30 years ago.
If the price of fossil fuels reflected their actual cost to society, then we would all be rolling around in electric cars already.
But the fossil fuel industry has done double backflips to cast doubt on the science of climate change. Well it can't go on much longer, because the changes are becoming obvious to even the casual observer.
Regulation is control.
There are laws in place to regulate speeds on public roads which are meant to controls the speeds and you will be financially hit if you break that regulation.
The government controls it all 100% start to finish.
@CourtJester Without regulation we would have anarchy. But that's exactly what you want, isn't it? Let the corporations fatten up by raping the environment and let the people choke on it.
Like Biden is doing with over regulation???
Every dang day it is like, "what next?" Has any one president ever fouled things up so bad in ONE term?
George W. Bush came really close, but I think the Lying Cheato takes the cake.
@Flyingsaucesir DJT told GWB "Hold my beer."
Everything was better with the cheato guy though
@CourtJester ...in a pig's eye.
@CourtJester Maybe better for other Cheatos, but not for most other folks.
Cheaper gas
No inflation
Now new wars in the world
Outstanding global economic growth
More business expansion in the US
Huge job growth
All destroyed by Biden.
Put down the crack pipe
@CourtJester Round and round you go...like a whirling dervish...in a trance...dizzy...
You’ve yet to prove me wrong though
@CourtJester You have not addressed any of my arguments directly. You just keep repeating the same litany of tired catchphrases...as if you were a priest trying to fill a child's head with nonsense. That's ok bud, don't feel bad. I know you are doing your best. But you will have to try a little harder.