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There's been 33 mass shootings in the U.S. in the past 13 days...

LOOK!!! 🎻 World's smallest violin!!!

Dyl1983 8 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Not sure why you posted this under "Silly, Random & Fun" but it sure makes you seem like a jackass. People have lost their lives. Families and communities have been destroyed. So by all means, you should definitely post something callous and ignorant to score some likes.

dkp93 Level 8 June 6, 2022

He punishes us with his "comedy" because he doesn't have the balls to try stand up in person. Occasionally something he posts is slightly comical but mostly I scroll him by.

I believe this post is telling Americans that the world does not sympathize with our gun problem because we won't do anything about it ourselves. While I agree that it wasn't done tactfully, I do agree with the sentiment.

@Dyl1983 You're right. There's not a lot I personally can do about the massive gun problem in this country. That's a far cry from laughing at the victims. That requires compassion and empathy though, two traits you seem to be lacking.

@dkp93 Calling attention to the fact that thousands and thousands of dead children is the cost of our gun addiction isn't really laughing at victims. He has a point. Parents and grandparents in this country, which is likely a vast majority of the population, simply don't care enough about their children and grandchildren in contrast with their concerns about guns, the economy, social issues, etc. If they did, there would be a massive blue wave every single election until this problem was under control. At some point, all there is to do is point out all the crocodile tears of all the people that value the Second Amendment (or other superficial thing) over the lives of family members.
To be blunt, compassion and empathy without action and meaningful change is really nothing but thoughts and prayers...


People don't kill guns,
Guns kill guns.

What does this mean?

@ChestRockfield It's nonsense. I doesn't mean anything.


I heard there was 13 just this past weekend.

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