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Does anyone else think the Court overriding Row v Wade is just distraction to get people to forget Jan 6th and Trumps criminal attempt to overthrow democracy?
It just seems like part of the same coup.

Willow_Wisp 8 June 27

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Could be. For many years the Republicon horde has used the Kitchen Sink strategy - throw everything at your opponent to overwhelm them.


Now, that you mention it. Yes i do. That is one big issues that people are being distracted from. The other is people off there ass and back to work.


Do so much wrong shit that it distracts the people into not knowing what to do and everything we want gets put into law before anyone realizes.


No, if the Supreme Court had any political sense, they would have released the decision the day after Election Day 2022.

All the conservatives had to do is do nothing until Election Day, but this will energize the voters on the left.

Conspiracy theories that imply there is some careful planning going on in DC are almost always wrong. With the Democrats and Republicans, it's a choice between dumb and dumber.

BD66 Level 8 June 27, 2022

No, I think it actually adds to the issue of tRumps criminality and refusal to follow the Constitution. The 3 unqualified Justices were nominated by him and installed by his enablers.


I have considered it not outside the realm of possibility. Sorta like never let a good crisis go to waste.
It is part of the neo-gop (movement conservatives) plan, imho.


I think Republicans are smart enough to do just that. Throughout the years I've watched them almost always get more than one benefit from every action they take.

They only get away with it because too many voters are stupid and believe all the crap they are fed by the even dumber Republicans.


Absolutely's to erode hard won Rights by US, in favor of Old White Men..and in the name of Kkkristian Nationalism..


I had considered that, but it seems too cohesive a plan for them to manage. It won't dissuade us, but there's a chance it will be taken as a "power move" by the cult, thus assuring them that they were right about Jan 6.

Lauren Level 8 June 27, 2022

They could be working hand in hand to distract us, but I do think the catholics on the court were thrilled to get this done for their church!!

We're going to disappoint them, if this is a democracy it will change because over 75% want women to have the right to chose. If we don't fix this then we aren't a democracy by any standard.

@Willow_Wisp I sure hope we stomp the hell out of repubs in November. If we don’t, we will end up in a theocracy. I believe that is what the evangelical movement is working towards. I’ve signed up to be a voter registrar here in Texas and will do all I can to stop them. 😉

Their actions are inane because: 1) Women will continue to get abortions. 2) People see this as religious over-reach and will seek vengeance in return. 3) Young people will continue to disenfranchise religion. 4) All of their rulings will be overturned and deemed illegitimate (unconstitutional) eventually in some way, and the court will be reviled as corrupt in both the near and long term.

@racocn8 I sure hope you’re right! 😉

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