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According to a recent survey, men say the first thing they notice about women is their eyes. And women say the first thing they notice about men is they're a bunch of liars.

ebdb 7 Apr 27

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Sounds accurate. Don't get me wrong, I love a good pair of eyes but it's not usually the first thing I notice.

An honest man!!! You busy later, sweetie?

@AnneWimsey Lol... Yeah, sorry for the late reply. I had to go do the responsible thing and go to work.


Ha,ha,ha, ha! The first thing i notice is the make of their motorcycle!

You have reminded me of a 50 year old joke.... 2 young hippies long hair army jackets blue jeans walk up to a judge wanting to plead not guilty to a parking ticket.... the busy judge does not ask their names or who has the ticket....HE ASKED :: WHICH ONE OF YOU HAS THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE ?? THE boy answers NOT ME JUDGE WE RIDE A HONDA 175

@Larry68Feminist Oh, that is a good one!


Hehehe. I must be in a weird mood. It took me a minute to connect the two. Coffee! That's it, I haven't had any yet.

AmyLF Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

I can't see eyes at 100 meters, I can see figures at 100+ meters. That's why mistakes happen.
"Bro look at the booty on her."
"That's a him."
"Well good for him."


Really.....eye's are the first thing men notice? Right..........

Oh oh... WE'VE been found


Thanks for the morning chuckle

Blue eyes red hair smiley faces get my attention so I can smile back and say pleased to meet you.....when they say What is your name ?????? Then I know it is ok to look for nipples cleavage and a crucifix in the middle.....not very often do I see an American Atheist ORBIT necklace and gaze relieved back into their eyes I am not being seduced by an xian ....nothing worse than a stupid brain in a believer body


Love it!


There was another one that showed 98% of teenage boys masturbate and 2% lie


Yeah well, we are what we are and certainly we like what we like...


My eyes are up here mister....




A real rib tickler.


Hmmm... the boys on the beach and in bars?


Damn, LOL


The first thing I notice about women is their breasts and their breast size ,then face ,hair and eyes !

Mets Level 6 Apr 2, 2020

Eyes huh? Here is a link that says otherwise.

This has been shown to apply to women of all cultures not just Japanese. Okay guys this is a really tough act to follow!!

Hahaaaa. I notice a guy's butt and if he turns around I notice his eyes.


I'd say thigh gap is important

Important to not have unnaturally, anyway.


Arr, If we like the cut of her jib then the eyes are just a part of it. If we told them the truth they'd never give up the booty. 😉


For the most part, guess I have just allowed it, No more though

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