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So, illogical atheist wants someone to do some Harry Potter God whiz bang to produce a volume of supernatural goo substance. So, like take a hand full of the supernatural goo substance and run it thru some scientific testing to analyze it for its supernatural properties assuming the supernatural goo substance is not dangerous or deadly to natural man handling?

Word 8 July 14

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Is this English?


I don't understand this.

It is sarcasm worship to the non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God making fun of illogical atheist.




Have you been sitting out in the sun ?

Well…it is silly and random isn’t it? Like they say…”Two out of three ain’t bad!”

Sometimes I wonder if he sundowns. He can be perfectly coherent and make logical points at times, and then others is no nonsensical I literally can't figure out what he's trying to say. It's so odd.

I just want to say, "Riddle me this, Batman."

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