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The right-wing lunatics in the United $tates of Absurdity have lost what tiny minds they ever had. This on top of January 6, and the microcephalics still refuse to learn: []

anglophone 9 Aug 11

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This will only get worse as the screws tighten on their cult leader!


All the protest is juvenile bluster. Let's hope as many check out as possible.


Probably best if you don’t use the word “microcephalics” around those kind of people, as they might think it’s something to do with bothering persons of a smaller stature.


They clearly prefer dying to learning.

Natural selection at work.

skado Level 9 Aug 11, 2022

Yep, Darwinism is vindicated.

In fact, this guy is probably eligible for the Darwin Awards. Are you aware of it?

The Darwin Awards honor those who tip chlorine into our gene pool, by accidentally removing their own DNA from it during the spectacular climax of a 'great idea' gone veddy, veddy wrong.


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