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Yet more evidence, if ever it was needed, that there is evil in Islam: []rushdie-taken-off-ventilator-one-day-after-attack/101331386 (Look for "Iranian newspapers" )

anglophone 9 Aug 14

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Your BS bigotry is showing, in case you hadn't noticed

I am confused. Are you saying the article is false?

@Betty I mean, you could change the type/name of the religion to any other one in this article & all similar ones and it would be right, so why single out Islam? Bigotry!

@AnneWimsey Because in this article it was about them, so the comments are also about them. Did you read the part where a "hit" was put on Mr. Rushdie?
So, in my opinion the post is correct. There is evil in their religion.
You are also correct that evil exist is other religions but the article was not about other religions.

@David_Cooper WTH does that have to do with this thread?

@David_Cooper who, exactly "attacked bigotry" other than me?

@David_Cooper ,

  1. that should be "Your" not "you're".
  2. What oh what is "secondary hate", exactly?
  3. Try reading the OP again, whydoncha.

I've known this for some time. That's why I say clarify dogmatic religion is the problem. All of them. Since they are poison it is necessary for society at large to argue against them but ours doesn't do that. It supports them and rewards shows of their faith. I wouldn't allow jewelry or clothing of any kind to be displayed in a public meeting but folks say I'm nuts.


You can find this in any religious philosophy and that is the problem with religion...


I tend to agree with atheist author Sam Harris: religion is a category like sports. Sports, like religion, encompasses a wide variety of activities and the only commonality between the sport of badminton and the sport of kickboxing, for example, is breathing.

When it comes to religions, extremism and militancy are found in Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and many others. The key considerations are the fundamentals and calls to action, both in textual form as well as in practice from present day religious leaders. As Harris also notes, a significant difference may be found in extremist Islam and extremist Jainism. An extremist Jain is likely to be the most pacifist person possible!


If the Iranian religious organization needs to add a financial incentive to their followers then what does that say about their so called "faith"? Is their "god" so weak and vulnerable or is their control and hold over their "faithful" slipping out of their hands?

Betty Level 8 Aug 14, 2022

Remember that Iran would not be under the thrall of the guilty Islamic theocracy if the Brits and the Americans hadn't gotten rid of its secular socialist government in 1953 to pursue their imperialist interests.

Western imperialists use Islamic fanatics for their own murderous ends and then cry in shocked horror when these fanatics turn back and bite them.


There is evil in all religions. My sky god is bigger and better than yours is a spin off for penis size. It all comes from the Alpha male.

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