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Only the worst for America.

AOC opponent Tina Forte is shockingly stupid about the job she's running for in Congress

Dyl1983 8 Sep 28

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I read a report in the Seattle Times from a syndicated Columnist Leonard Pitts about another 'brain' (not) running for the senate. Meet Herschel Walker []

Another item I found looking into this guy (it's scary as hell) []
"Herschel is asked about domestic violence allegations from 2001-2008 that at different times he held a gun to his wife’s head and straight razor to her throat: “You know, he without sin cast the first stone .. He’s talking about something I was a part of over 15 years ago."


Unfortunately, stupid is as stupid does. As citizens around the world, start to lose any semblance of intelligence this is what we get.


Being proud of having no shame, having no empathy, no curiosity, no intelligence and a fondness for hate-mongering? A well-qualified fascist.


She’s thick and has big boobs…a sure-fire winning combination with many voters I’d say!

And maybe that's where her brains are located.

@JackPedigo If she’s got any!

@Marionville I just read an article about a senate candidate for Georgia. The guy even claims he's not too bright. Maybe I should post this. []



Vacant doesn't even begin to describe her headspace.

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