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'Their cross to bear': The Catholic women told to forgive domestic violence: [] . And thus the Catholic Church continues to subject women to violence in the name of their utterly vile god! 😟

anglophone 9 Sep 30

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Perhaps this is why we had the choice of going to church after a certain age. Went to parochial school until half way through fifth grade. My mom had to have us take all kinds of psychological tests because she got divorced with the churches permission.


Fuck the rcc!

I would prefer that it was bankrupted out of existence. It is already morally bankrupt.

@anglophone I always say that the rcc needs to be sued into bankruptcy and oblivion.
I just didn't this time.


Religion is the absence of reason and common sense.


Extensive Research: Women Initiate Domestic Violence More than Men, Men Under-report It


Women are more likely to abuse children than men.


BD66 Level 8 Sep 30, 2022

Occasionally women physically abuse their husbands. It would be interesting to know what the Catholic priest would say about that.

I think the answer is the same. Stay the course and your suffering will be rewarded in your next life. It’s always the idiotic promise of a next life in heaven being better.


Just like the rcc protects child rapist.


Sad to say it is not just the catholic church who promotes domestic abuse like this thay are probably the worse as they are such a large organisation but even smaller groups such as jw have a similar policy much being dependant on the local elders


You were expecting a moral stand against Domestic Abuse from an Organization that hides Pedophiles?.


The US has a guy running for Senate in Ohio who said women should stay in such marriages.

He's gotta be a MAGAt..

@Charlene yep.


Bound to their marriage vows and first you are married to god, then that awful husband. Fingering Rosey and mumbling will not help you.


Many women who were raised Catholic feel bound to to their marriage vows, despite things not turning out to be as rosey as they had dreamed, but they must also remember that the husband also vowed to "love, honor and respect" them as well, and if there was abuse, then that abuse, intentional harm, disrespect, etc., nullifies their marriage vows, so they should feel no remorse in dissolving their marriage.

Marriage vows are a two way street - it takes two to adhere to them. If the vows have been broken by the other party, then there should be no guilt whatsoever in dissolving the marriage. Time to live their life is now, in peace and happiness.

Fundamentalists Christians have exactly the same creed toward abusive spouses. Shut up, do as your told and god will reward your suffering in the next life.


Not surprising since it is a male dominated institution. Protect the men and treat women as slaves and brood mares.

Betty Level 8 Sep 30, 2022

"Brood mares" is a very polite way of saying "fuck machines". 😟

@anglophone Don't forget, the church always want more babies.

@anglophone I can imagine a farmer saying “brood mare”. Only aussies say “fuck machine”. (Grin)


It's all part of the bullshit 'Eve was deceived by the snake and lead Adam into sin - therefore women are lesser people' concept.

Yeah, those priests said Eve led Adam into sin, and when I was born I committed his sin.



What a PATHETIC excuse of intellect...smfh

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