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How do you deal with emotional stress. Tried writing, working out, I don't smoke or drink.

Imthatguy79 3 Apr 29

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Not well.


Try smoking pot. It will calm you down. Also, avoid toxic people.


Have you tried Magic Brownies?


Music. Really loud music with alot of energy something I can pour myself into.


An early morning walk will reset your thyroid thermostat to higher energy and mood.
When you walk outside in nature, just let your mind drift, and studies show that works as well as taking a formal Yoga class.

Food and herbs that will also raise your mood; fish, a few iodine drops in water, 5-htp, magnesium, cashew nuts, St. John's Wort, and derris scandens.

CBD oil is reported to not only make you happy, but treat serious diseases such as diabetes and seizures.


I put on one of my favorite go to feel good shows on Netflix and veg for an hour or two. I make myself a pot of really good tea, which is one of my indulgences, and watch cooking shows.

I do that shows rekax me.


I am painfully analytical. If something is really nagging at me, I take some quiet time and pull it apart in my head. Then I ask myself some questions like what can I actually do to resolve the issue?

If there is nothing I can do, I remind myself that I can't change others and focus on something positive to do. Sometimes helping people is a way for me to cope with that. If that doesn't work, I find something positive to do for me, that improves my life even in a small way, like cleaning or training my dogs or something anything that makes me feel good about myself.

I have a crazy family, and it took a long time for me to accept that I couldn't change that. I can only set boundaries and stick to them.

I also stay physically active. I find that helps lower my stress.


Work with a counselor or therapist to get good techniques for dealing with stress.

I have done this lately. But she has also unlocked a dark side of me that i wasnt happy with. It was my attitude towards things. And now i feel like the old me has been coming back out. Ive really turned my life around by shutting out that person. Hinse why the stress is back.


For me, a walk int he woods or out in nature usually makes me feel better.


Before you deal with it, I recommend knowing the triggers. If you can identify them and understand what part of "it" bothers you, that is a starting point. Then work with a professional for brief targeted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as an example. I have questions about whether it is trauma related or is it emotional reaction to situations or people. That is a small sample of how you might want to start understanding the stressors. Knowing the triggers and how to work past them really is an effective coping strategy. But to be fair, it isn't always simple but not necessarily complex either. I hope this helps you to think about the problem in a different or more logical way. Also what other ways have you tried and why do you think they did not help? I know at first these suggested questions might seem silly. But you must be able to understand what triggers it and why. It could be simple and then again maybe not. Print my response and look at the questions and try to break it down. I hope this helps. Please update us. You're family here.

Big thumbs up for CBT. This is all excellent advice.


I plan on snapping one day. Maybe going nuclear

I feel the same ???

@Ben13 I don't feel bad about it either. I've been warning people for years and they just keep poking the bear. Or nuclear warhead, really depends on how much energy I have when I finally go off. lol

@MrPKitty I hear you on that. It's like I don't have much strength to hold back much longer but I got a lot built up to go off lok


Unfortunately I can't offer any advice as my go-to solutions are working out or weed.

I do miss one of these things lmao


Meditation helps, but it's knowing how to do it properly and being disciplined enough to keep it up.

The problem for me was not having guaranteed peace and quiet because of my neighbours.


I have never smoked and drink very little. I do a lot of writing (which may aggravate the stress). Music helps a lot and socializing also helps. Unfortunately, I take things serious and it's hard to tone down that tendency. I need to learn to meditate and find natural ways to deal with this.


I walk a lot, work in tbe backyard, ckean the house..keep busy.


For the most part, learning works for me.... Too much to know, so little time


Meditation is good. Even if your mind wanders around, bring it back. Start slowly with maybe 5 minutes. Another thing I read once is to start looking around and saying out loud what you see, such as "I see a red flower, I see a shelf of books....supposedly when you do that you can calm down because your brain is busy with the naming of what you are seeing. And also I hope you have a few go to people to talk to. I used to have anxiety attacks and it was awful

I have anxiety attacks occasionally. I hate that feeling and have found no effective way to deal with it.

@Sticks48 In the past I've actually resorted to sitting in a quiet place and breathing into a paper bag.

@AmelieMatisse l have done that one. It seems to help a little.


Isnt that what friends are for?
Put things in focus ..I see people stressing over the most irrelevant things..get things in perspective.
Most of us have our health, food on the table and shelter,remember these things and be grateful.
Anger can be good..people speak the truth when they are angry ..a rarity these days..but don't confuse anger with violence.
And one last thing..sleep on something before you commit or make comments ...your view on the problem will be totally different the next day ...and clearer hopefully.


Emotional stress is a state of the mind
to quieten the mind I meditate and focus on breathing just breathing
focus on breathing until you get a rhythm and stay with it start gently maybe 5 min per session try doing it thru the day hopefully it will help you

Rosh Level 7 Apr 29, 2018

Chop wood? if you can't think of anything, try walking, but look around you, at the sky, trees people. Good, strong cup of real tea - good luck with it - personally I put on some beautiful music and light a teensy joint. Then, I get creative, even do housey things - then I feel virtuous! good luck with it


Long walks and surround myself with nature.


A gentleman I used to work with would talk to the furnace when he got really stressed out. Personally I can't say I ever get that over stressed.


I take longer bicycle rides to observe nature/geography. I also interact with a couple of nonbelievers that I know/associate with.


When I was young and angry meditation helped lots for the times I didn't think I could cope. Now I find I focus more on crafting. Also let it out don't hold on to it even if you go somewhere and scream into a pillow for a while it can feel better. If you work out I found that I needed to lift a weight that I could barely pick up for leg presses it would be 1000lbs, bench press 200lbs whatever your max is and push it till you feel like you can't walk. I also find venting to someone impartial really helps too.


I build things, mostly woodworking projects. If I'm focusing on my project that distracts me from my stressors


Music helps me some times, music and working out if I can actually get my self up to workout.

Ben13 Level 5 Apr 29, 2018
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