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If this was covered while I was away for a minute, I apologize for duplicate content.

I do have a comment on this, however.

I will never, and I mean, never...for all time and eternity ever, use my exercise ball again. 🤢#eeeeewwwwww #yicky #makeherstop

SeaGreenEyez 9 Oct 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I do find race fakers offensive. She can style herself as Black and Native American all she wants, but it's disrespectful to maintain that it's biologically true.

That said, I have no problem with a girl making a buck, and it's probably emotionally satisfying for her as well.


Watch the documentary:


I started watching it with the belief that she was a crazy fraud. However, after watching it, her story is much more complex, and I came away with a very different perspective on her and her actions.

BD66 Level 8 Oct 7, 2022

Same here. She was passionate about a cause that was important to her and to many.
Society shouldn't police how a person identifies themselves if they're not hurting anyone in the process.

@SeaGreenEyez You should watch the documentary.


I wish her well also. I think the hate she received was overkill. Get that money, honey!


Now, now, do not blame the exercise ball, it's innocent.....
Altgough i think if it was orange it Would have to go......


I forgot about her! She has to make a living, some people do that to make a living, good for them!


I'm not familiar with OnlyFans. She found a legal way to make a living and I wish her the best.

Unity Level 8 Oct 6, 2022

Her book did not sell. She has to make a living somehow.

BD66 Level 8 Oct 6, 2022

I agree.

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