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Last Saturday as I came home from a visit I decided to stop by the junk man's place just to see what I might find. He is closed for good now but people keep dropping things off there. Bingo! I found crispers and a crisper cover for my Hotpoint refrigerator. These items were inside a twin-like fridge to mine and everything appeared brand new. I've been looking for crispers and a crisper cover for the last 15 years!

Everything is throw away today and they don't make this stuff any longer. Back when they did make these items they would be special order and cost you quite a lot. My old ones have been broken ever since I moved in. Looks like a kid opened the door and tried to crawl up onto the main shelf and used the crisper cover to climb on. Now I am really thrilled!

I tell people this story and get a faint smile. That's it, but I work in auto parts. Imagine for a moment that I had been looking for custom seats for my hotrod and found them here at this junk yard. You know everyone would be excited and also be telling similar stories about their custom auto seats.

DenoPenno 9 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Actually Iā€™m a lot more excited about you finding the refrigerator parts than I would be about car parts. Good on you! What does the junk man do about people dropping stuff off? Did he charge you anything?

I know the junk man but he is closed permanently now. People just drop stuff off anyway and his daughter tries to make some money by hauling it all off. This takes machinery and tractor trailer trucks. The city gets on everyone's ass if the place gets messy. My price for the stuff was free.


Congrats. Uh, what are crispers?

@Garban Two drawers at the bottom of a refrigerator that are covered with a big plastic bottom. Small kids will break them for you if you do not watch the kids closely.

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