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We really need to look at the big picture with our world.
Climate is shifting with weather extremes becoming more common. We know burning fossil fuels does not help. We know there is land degradation and habitat destruction, species in decline.
War is not good, people should be able to live in security eg without fear for their person or property. Not to mention environmentally destructive.
We need to wean ourselves off fossil fuels, or maximise their use by being efficient at least until we do. Is a finite resource for our lifespans.

Europe is still dependent on fossil fuel, as is everyone else. The most efficient source for Europe, transport wise, is in Russia. Economically the logical solution. This would make Europe somewhat dependent on a foreign source, depending on percentages.
Europe is now dependent on another, more expensive and environmentally risky, foreign source for it's fossil fuel needs. And there is now war.

I am pondering, wondering what are we doing having summits and adopting "greener" power generation etc whilst accepting of the destruction of efficient transit pipelines?
Are we really worried about climatic changes or what?
We need to remove the influence certain select entities seem to have in effecting all of our lives.

Some historical revision
The comment at 3:50 gave me a belly aching laugh.
The footage of Condoleezza Rice in 2014 is very telling, the year of the coup in Ukraine.
Stopping Nord Stream 1 & 2 has been high on the agenda for a long time.

puff 8 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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The US and Chile in the 60s and 70s. You can skip to the last paragraph to see the admission of US government involvement.

MizJ Level 8 Dec 20, 2022

Everyone is aware but a lot of this is simply lip service. That's my opinion.


I'm glad I am old.


If the pundits are right, we will not have to endure these conditions for too long. They are saying "civilisation" as we know it is imploding.
perhaps there will be survivors that will start the cycle all over again?
Perhaps we go all the way and the earth becomes another barren lifeless rock in space?
Whatever the future holds, we live in exciting times, ours to enjoy while we can.

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