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'Japan has launched an official investigation into the unprecedented numbers of people dying after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination.
According to reports, Japanese researchers have been instructed to investigate the mechanisms by which experimental mRNA jabs could be causing deaths and severe adverse reactions.

Hiroshima University School of Medicine Prof. Masataka Nagao highlighted how the bodies of vaccinated persons he performed autopsies on were abnormally warm, with upwards of 100 degree F body temperatures.

“The first concern was that the body temperatures of the corpses were very high when the police performed the autopsy,” Nagao declared.

“The body temperatures were unusually high, such as 33 or 34 degrees celsius (91-93ºF).”

In other bodies, Nagao says “temperatures were very high at the time of death. Their body temperatures were above the normal temperature, more like over 40 degrees celsius (104ºF).”

Graphing the data, Nagao’s research team found there were significant changes to the genetic makeup of vaccinated autopsied patients’ immune systems.
The research has led Nagao to conclude the vaccine causes immune system abnormalities that prompt inflammation throughout the body, which is likely the cause of the high body temperatures at the time of autopsy.

“Based on the data and the circumstances alone, it is not possible to conclude that the vaccine was the cause of the deaths,” Prof. Nagao said, adding, “However, it is impossible to say that the vaccine was not the cause. We can only say that it is doubtful, but we believe that vaccination was sufficiently related to the immune abnormalities.”

In another report, dermatology expert Prof. Shigetoshi Sano of the Kochi University School of Medicine discussed discovering spike proteins at the site of skin lesions and other skin problems on patients who were vaccinated.

“The spike protein derived from the vaccine was found in the skin,” Sano explained, highlighting a slide showing a bright green region on a lesion made visible by a special dye.' - MERYL NASS

BDair 8 Jan 13

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BDair Level 8 Jan 23, 2023

Japan launches official investigation


BDair Level 8 Jan 23, 2023

I googled "masataka nagaoka hiroshima university". No such person. Some people will believe anything just as long as it's not on a real news channel.


Do you have or is there a private group where we can have discussions and share info in peace without the rabid feral sheeple trolls with noting of relevance to bring to the discussions? I don't know who invited all these MSMers who need to go back to Facebook here, ruining this space for the rest of us. They have no control if their troll & can't stop masquerading as a free open minded thinkers & should just go back to where they fit in, following. Not everything needs ones response or opinion. As an adult, if I find something disagreeable, I just move on, silently. I'm not so small that I feel compulsed to go where opinions staunchly differ and try to convert others like an obnoxious religious zealot.
That said, we need a private group. Found one. Can you send me a link please? Thanks I advance, much appreciated. Can no longer tolerate the main pagers. 🤷♀️

Emme Level 7 Jan 20, 2023

You can join the 'Covid Cult' group for a start.

@BDair thanks. I appreciate it. I'm not here to lead the horses to water. I've had jab side effects & si.ply want to share info & learn more. I don't have time or patience for trolls. I had another question for you but I'll PM you. Thank you. 😊


Bruh, I went head first down the rabbit hole some more & look what I found. I went through Zerohedge to find this.

As I've said before, I kindly invite all to go jab up & genocide away if they're so confident in their government & their media. Get all those boosters! 👍😉
Yeo, that's from your CDC, folks.
There is a massive K-hole of info available to dive into with common sense, logic & reason.

Emme Level 7 Jan 17, 2023

I've had 4 shots so far, over a 2 year period. I feel fine. Almost everyone I know has done the same, with the same result. I had one friend who got covid before there were vaccines. He died. SARS CoV-2 killed him.


Well, I got my 5th shot (3rd booster) back in October, and I'm still fucking here.

We have no way of knowing what the long term effects of those shots will be.
You are participating in an experiment. Many other people have suffered
debilitating effects immediately after injection, some weeks later.
There is no way to know what five years from now looks like.
Best of luck to you.

@BDair, I probably have a better chance getting eaten by a grizzly bear, than dying from these jabs.

There are a lot of 'grizzlies' about.

@BDair i did immediately & stopped any more jabs after the 2nd one. THATS when I started to question the safety of them. I noticed an immediate physical change in my endurance. I virtually have none now. I went from being able to walk 1-2 miles daily to only 3 minutes on a treadmill & it has NOT increased over rime like it NORMALLY would with daily walking. My chest gets tight, it's hard to breathe and my heart beats very fast. I have to stop right around 3 minutes. I'm only 53 y/o.

@Emme So you're 53 now, and before the vaccines you must have been around 51. If you could only walk 1 to 2 miles at age 51, you were already in pretty bad shape before any vaccine.

@Emme Huh. Why didn't you disclose that before? Oh, because going from poor shape to crappy shape just doesn't have the same dramatic impact, does it? And now you're annoyed that I see through you, so you accuse me of snark. You'd like to send me on a little guilt trip? I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? Well guess again. I have no sympathy for anyone who spreads disinformation. Get a clue. Get a life! 😂😂😂

@Emme Already resorting to name calling, huh? That didn't take long. 😂

A little friendly advice: if you can't stand the heat, do yourself a favor; get out of the kitchen.

@BDair The irony is that you are also participating in an unprecedented experiment by NOT having a jab. It's called "not knowing the future".


Because Google is the friend of the people. It's not a money making machine or anything. And they care about the truth.
There were all kinds of articles on it back when the virus came out that are no longer there. Poof, they just vanished like they never existed.
Here's a fact about the vaccine. It's a bill gates investment. He says it right here in this interview. Still think he cares so much? It's not about your life, it's about his return on the "best investment he's ever made". Do the dollars make $'cent'se ?

Wall St Journal Bill Gates
The Best Investment I've Ever Made

Emme Level 7 Jan 16, 2023

Hey, don't get too down by the sheeple. The gene pool needed cleaning anyway. I say, Jab up & genocide away. Those of us left will be able to make more people who use their brains logically and who believe the science as opposed to being spoonfed nonsense narrartives explaining how it's definitely NOT the jabs behind all these deaths.

Emme Level 7 Jan 16, 2023

So BDair posts another crock of 🐂💩. What's new?


Dear, Dear BDair....on the internet there is something called "Google'' where you can check this stuff out before making yourself look foolish & gullible....why not give it a try?

You may be unaware, in fact you must be,
that Google is controlling the narrative at
Big Pharma's behest.
There is an entire universe of information out there
that Google and the mainstream media are suppressing.

@BDair much of it posted by you after you willfully misunderstand what you read (from weird sources!).
You are especially bad at charts & graphs, constantly misinterpreting them.

You have not offered a single refutation of anything
I have posted beyond sharing your badly informed opinions.

How would you interpret this chart?
Can you point to where in the timeline
vaccination has provided a notable benefit?

@BDair FOUR (4) replies to my one observation???!!!!
Well done, me....

Congratulations on your achievement.
Claim your prize.

@BDair FIVE.

Go for SIX and win Free lifetime Myocarditis.

@BDair Really? From your imaginary world?

@BDair i peed a little with that last meme quip. 🤣

@BDair oh crap... they are going to scrub that info from the internet next. It is a little suspicious as to why the need to remove "false information" superceeded freedom of speech. what happened to stick and stones.


Oh, Jesus Christ!


@FrayedBear Ist ficken quatsch!

@DenoPenno yes Jesus Christ is controlling nonsense.


As you did not provide a source or a link as to where the information you provided was coming from, I did a quick on line search and found the story is totally fake and debunked.

Jest search for "Japan investigates vaccine deaths" and for me, the first article is about how the story isn't true.


thanks for looking into that.

one of the times i've been a bit impressed by multiple members of this community is that we have largely withstood the relentless irrationality [edit to say: at least on some aspects of this topic] of bdair and a few others trying to poison the well of discussion about the pandemic and vaccination. yes they have their impact but many of us seem to do well in not allowing our time to be wasted nor in being distracted from trying to sift through useful info

it is in my view inherently difficult and high stakes for a lay person to keep their wits about them, listen to our scientists and related professionals, allow ourselves some room to disagree, but still allow for the excellence of their knowledge. it is harder if one's time for the topic is limited, as it just be for all of us. this is all hard enough. but if we have multiple folks trying to use this forum to present relentless one sided and often demonstrably.ill-founded points then that makes it a bit harder

as best i can tell so far, while parts of the pandemic have been mishandled by the experts, for the most part they have done a decent job in a rough situation. ive been a little open to doubting or questioning where they have led us with vaccinations, though it has seemed to me so far that the attacks i read on the vaccination effort are not very respectful of my time or health. if information and insight are offered to us to try to question the status quo as to vaccinations or other key aspects of the pandemic,... if they are offered once in awhile, then let them be offered with some attempt at high quality and ingenuousness and respect for our time.


This reads like typical antivax rhetoric.

I did a quick fact check. It is a totally fake story.

@snytiger6 .. it is not totally fake. Any “story” has enough truth woven into it to seem legitimate.

@Science-guy When they make up a story, which has no real facts or basis in actual reality, than yes, it is "totally fake".

By "totally fake", I means the total premise of the story is outside the bounds of actual reality.

That's because it is. 😂


The UK total of deaths after being vaccinated is very interesting!!!

The doctors in the UK state death totals are factual!!

The totals death counts used in the US are counted by various government agencies which do not use the same Databases, hence death counts from Covid and the after affects are shrewd with the counts rarely concise or accurate!!!

Too many sources to list, it all depends which the media and the government agencies prefer to present!!!


Using words like “unprecedented” in an emotive manner does not address the facts as they are known and published. Today, the total population of Japan is 125,498,505 people.

The total number of deaths potentially related to a dose of vaccine is 1,695. See the following link. []

In your post there is not one mention of number of vaccine related deaths other than the vague emotive use of the word, unprecedented. Either produce some data that supports your belief or join a religion that ignores the facts and exploits the imagination.


The temperatures of the supposed bodies are incorrect. 33C is far too cold, 37 is average. At least the C to F conversion was right. Highly doubtful that Japanese doctors and/or researchers would have included the Fahrenheit as the US is the exception using that scale. American researchers know metric and use it and/or Kelvin when publishing. Police do autopsies? WTF? Dead bodies lose heat and become room temperature, they must have gotten them to autopsy immediately upon death. What part of the immune system was used for the DNA testing? The vaccines do not contain spike proteins from the virus. This is poorly constructed BS.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 14, 2023

Exactly. This temperature business is nonsense. A dead body drops to room temperature pretty soon. What you measure is a complex result of temperature at death, time since death, room temperature, body mass and probably other variables I haven't even considered. Without all that info all you have is garbage data. Nor do you have to wait for someone to die before figuring if they're running a temperature - it's something that hospitals generally do several times a day as a matter of course.

@Gareth Without science knowledge the errors aren't obvious in the giant bowl of word salad. Johnny was only able to read at a middle school level when he graduated high school and slept during science class except on days when they dissected frogs.


Like I keep saying "it is only since I was conned & misled into being given a Pfizer injection have I had incredible arthritis in my hands.
Arthritis is a auto immune inflammatory disease.

OK. I had arthritis before any Covid jabs so what is the point?

@DenoPenno I didn't have arthritus in my hands prior to the injection.

@FrayedBear Half or more of the meds that we all take have side effects that nobody wants. It almost makes you want to quit with the meds, but that will not work.

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