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You get one life to live, don't waste a minute of it on your knees, praying to an imaginary sky daddy.

SnowyOwl 8 Jan 15

Enjoy being online again!

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That's a keeper!!


As I walk through the valley of life,
I will fear no god,
for I am superior to any man-made god,
and will not fear any fucking thee's
thou's, or other bullshit contained
in the 2000-year old book of lies, threats,
death, destruction, and other stupidities
within its worthless pages!


That is the downside of Pascal's Wager that is never mentioned, wasting the one life you have living in a state of threat, delusion and hatred of everyone else.

"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time" – Bertrand Russell

@ASTRALMAX The practice of religion does not appear to involve much enjoyment, and it has been bizarre to see churches try to integrate entertainment into their programs.

The other downside to Pascal's wager is. If there was a god/supernatural/second life/higher intelligence/great unknown, whatever, surely it would prefer atheists anyway. After all we do not tell it what to do, pretend to speak in its name to fool others, or set up imposters in its place.

@racocn8 Precisely, that is why I do not practice a relgion. πŸ™‚

@racocn8 Were he around today William Blake would probably agree with you. In a line from one of his poems he said: β€œAnd there were men in black gowns, walking the rounds. Binding with briars my joys and desires.”

@ASTRALMAX I'm not defending the religious, but I like that quote.... cause I could "waste" an entire day doing puzzles and not feel guilty about it.

@TheoryNumber3 The most important thing is that you enjoy whatever you are doing. πŸ™‚ Alan Watts said: "Its okay not to feel guilty because you do not feel guilty."


We now have a real god worldwide that you can see and touch( for now), is sought after and worshiped everywhere on the planet, no matter what "faith" is dominant in the area.
This GOD is called by the name of Money,

Currency for trade is a requirement of civilization but that is one that religion got right.
'The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil'
Isn't it strange how all religions are in love with money?

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