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International investigation shows Russian missile shot down flight MH17 in 2014 over Ukraine. While there is no evidence to indicate Putin ordered the plane, or any other civilian aircraft shot down, there appears to be evidence that Putin ordered the supplying of missiles to Russian backed separatists.


Beowulfsfriend 9 Feb 8

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For rabid American Cold War propaganda, just tread the comments. For those who want informed commentary and history on America's latest and possibly most foolish proxy war: []


Putin has to be put down like the rabid animal he is.

I fully agree but it will make little difference in the current situation.

@DenoPenno Probably not, but I know I'll feel better.


That tragedy was so unnecessary...and so instigated by Putin!


Good. That makes Putin's claims that SoA are instigating war, by arming Ukraine, ring a bit more hollow.

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