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Good afternoon all non-conservatives. I have recently taken up numismatics and don't recall this interest having been addressed here previously. Thought I would test the waters for anyone similarly interested who might like to share any comments or advice please.

Also, is there anyone within earshot who is not willing to give up Texas east to NC and below but including Kentucky for the health and well being of the Union?

LovinLarge 8 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Good afternoon.

I qualify, and to coin a phrase, note that I still have my play lunch money.

Those silver sixpences were like gold once upon a time.

Realising it's powerful pull and contemporary currency I had an early desire to collect as much of the stuff as to be neither needy nor greedy.

Then it was on to notaphily and ironing out my first full time paper money pay.

I was hooked on what the polymer provider could produce.

But enough is enough and I content myself these daze with on-line banking and wallowing in wall to wall wonder at my mcduckian moolah.

Precious metals form part of a diverse portfolio of assets and hobbies.



Balkanization might well be in America's future, hasn't been this polarized since the Civil War. Coins, yeah!

It sounds like a bad thing, but it feels like a good thing. I know I would feel more strongly about border control then than I do about the poor Latin Americans just looking for better lives for their families.

I like coins, not so much bills or tokens. A hobby readily exchangeable for cash should the need arise, I figure.

@LovinLarge Any of silver or gold to be sure.


Start a coin collector group.

I did not want to cheat on my other group, which is dormant.


Love it. I have often said we should have permitted the "South" to secede. Tongue in cheek of course as we abolitionists could not permit our unrecognized enslave citizens of the USA to continue to endure such atrocities. minor keepers.
I always check my coins & occasionally I come across some minor keepers. Oak leaf pennies. Occasional Mercury dimes. I save all nickels prior to the 60's. It is another display of my urge to collect things.

Yes indeed. As I always say, "everybody collects something". I think you are wise to tuck away the occasional coin. I find coins the most interesting. I will tell you the most valuable tip I've read so far to help. A large part of coin collecting has to do with silver content. Any coin a dime or better from before 1965 has silver content. There may be a few exceptions to that but it is a general rule, and also some coins after 1964 have silver content. I am not so much about the silver, it's more the age of the coins that interest me.

And yes, we could not have abandoned our southern friends who needed our help, that's for sure.


My father was a serious coin collector among other things when I was younger.

He was also a high/grade school athletic director which meant that for every football, basketball, whatever game he had to collect the gate receipts at the ends of the nights. It was amazing especially what the native Americans might bring in from the reservations to pay for watching a game. Some of my fondest memories were from Saturday mornings at the kitchen table pouring over gate monies looking for 'rare' coins to buy before we turned the money in.

Unfortunately we/he fell on hard times money wise about the time I entered high school so he sold almost all his collection. Several boxes of coin books disappeared.

He had complete sets of dimes, pennies and nickels back to the 30s.

Years later I gave him a Christmas present of an 1895 silver dollar that a friend in Phoenix found inside a wall when he was renovating his house.
It becomes part of your life.

None of our coins were 'new' condition. But most of them were 'good'. Ah, memories.🙂

Beautiful story, thank you for sharing. I love how you enjoyed helping him on Sat mornings. I bet part of the appeal for him was being able to share it with you, whether he showed it or not. I'm sure it was sad that he had to part with his collection, but I sure am glad that he had it when ne needed it. That was very fun to read, many thanks.


I live in SC and will happily gtfo, provided I'm compensated for my property and the general inconvenience of being forced to move and find another job. The secessionists are welcome to have the southern states. Best of luck to them after the blue state funding disappears.

dkp93 Level 8 Feb 8, 2023

100%. Must be compensation for the downside of what those like yourself would experience and it will be offset as you say by what we save on outgoing payments. The biggest payoff in my view will be the lives saved with gun control. I'm afraid that the two sides are as divided as they were by 1860. Of course I would prefer reconciliation but I just don't see a path in that direction.

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