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Some people are still allowing themselves to be
brainwashed by the mind numbing TV propaganda.

'CBS News ran a segment about a new Cedars Sinai study finding that young people have become the HIGHEST RISK GROUP for dying from a heart attack. You’re welcome, young people! Welcome to the Millennium. Specifically, researchers found that 30% more younger people are now dying from heart attacks than they were before the pandemic.

They are baffled, of course. No idea. Not even a theory, really. Just guesses.

I’m sure you will enjoy the most hilarious part of the clip, starting about halfway, where the “expert” and the two anchors begin speculating about how the covid virus could be the culprit. Young people’s hearts could have been damaged by their covid infection, but they just didn’t have their heart attack till later. You never know.
My very favorite part was when the expert suggested that death certificates aren’t reliable. I laughed so hard I coughed up a clump of undigested spike protein.

Despite the fact that they are obviously willing to speculate and guess till the chipped monkeys come home, guess what they NEVER consider as a possible cause for all these young people’s heart attacks? Guess what they didn’t even MENTION during the segment? And, DESPITE the fact that the government has ALREADY admitted myocarditis is a side effect of this particular thing, the thing they didn’t mention, the unconsidered thing that nearly all young people have to get to go to college and stuff?

You know what that thing is. I don’t need to say it. And they didn’t say it either.
If CBS’s revolting failure to consider the vaccine — or even myocarditis! — isn’t enough of a giveaway that the network is a part of the coverup, think about how the study period — two years — conveniently collects the first year of the pandemic, obscuring the cause. Why not break the two years out separately, where we could gauge the impact of the jabs versus the impact of the virus?

You know why.' - Jeff Childers 'Coffee & Covid'


BDair 8 Feb 16

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Thank you BDair for another serving of...


Are young people the highest risk group from dying of a heart attack? I haven't got a clue and I'm not worried about such studies. I simply do not follow this. This leaves my brain unwashable and leaves me with no opinion.

No, young people are typically at a very low
risk of a cardiac event. Not withstanding the
overall decline in health due to poor dietary habits.
But, young people are in a high risk group for
vaccine caused myocarditis.


The comments section in the Twitter feed demonstrates that
some people are no longer following along with the
'official narrative'. Only the truly indoctrinated
'Vaccine Apologists' are toeing the line.

"Actually no. It didn't rise during the 1st year of the pandemic. It rose starting in mid 2021 with the general availability of the vaccine to younger populations.
The media chose a timeline which hides the correlation to the release of vaccines."

"Exactly. They're trying to transition to a "bad science" narrative that maintains the shots, rather than the "honest science" emergent idea that JUST MAYBE injecting a long-lived mRNA ANALOG (Ψ-mRNA) that leaches into the blood, etc., was WORSE than the disease."

BDair Level 8 Feb 16, 2023
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