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Is anyone else sick of absurd conspiracy theories while there are actual conspiracies afoot such as: Military Industrial Complex, Rothchilds Central Banks, Murdoch & Soros in a Right/Left Propaganda war ignoring REAL news. ...etc etc.
Looking for sane and thoughtful awnsers.

HooliganSC 2 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I am tired of all conspiracy theories that have no real basis in science fact or logic. I hear them a lot from certain family and some are compeling enough to make me do some research. But non have I found yet to be The Truth. Some have elements of truth but not enough to support the theory put forth.
Example from family member: Some former NASA scientists say that we do not have the technology to fly humans to the Moon. That NASA said the Technology was lost. That nothing now goes beyond low orbit space or past the Von Ryan Radiation Belt.
So now I have to research this to show this person their theory is BS. Anyone have any articles, facts, or sites I can go to for this.


No but I am sick of closed minded people who don't think theres a shadow government with a fucked up agenda


Yeah. Anyone know why MH370 crashed off the coast of west Australia in the middle of the ocean?

I always wondered who exactly they were trying to kill or what they were trying to hide.


Who needs conspiracy theories when we have a real conspiracy attempted between Trump and the Russians?


that is how is done with mirrors... distracting you with entertainment of conspiracies keeps you busy.


I've always found them to be a fun distraction. Good for a light hearted laugh even though most of that stuff is utter and complete BS.

I always enjoyed Art Bell's Coast To Coast AM when I worked the night shift as a baker many moons ago. Then when Art left and was replaced by George Noorey, the show went way down hill. It just wasn't fun anymore.

I wish Art Bell would make a comeback on public radio. He'd have more material to work with now than ever before. I think he runs a show on short wave radio these days.


Fox News would never report a story that threatened the status quo of the financial elite-mostly Republicans. Thats why MSNBC is my news of choice or CNN. Real News.

I get my news from foreign news sources such as the BBC, RT and Al Jazeera. I don't trust any domestic news source anymore. Not a single one.

I think that the most accurate and thoughtful news sources are NPR and PBS.


I only toss the MIC into the mix because it seems no one seems to give a damn about all the senseless wars we've created in the middle east under Bush & Obama.


I am actually bored of conspiracy theories...I have always believed the real conspiracies are right in front of need to hide shit....we saw that after the Iran/Contra affair....people don't give a rats ass...chemtrails....really? So somebody is choosing to poison the very air THEY breathe? I mean if we saw some people walking around in environmental suits saying,"Nothing to see here. Just going to work. Suckers." Then I might go, hmmmm. (this concept had inserted itself into a discussion I was having about the Dakota pipeline, of all things)


its a good old fashioned shoot from the hip straight to the point honest answer. was there anything else? lol.


I m not a conspiracy lover at all ,but I have learnt there is one huge con enacted in broad daylight before your very eyes.
Private banks create our money from nothing and lend it to us at interest. Central banks allow this and then have to bail it all out when it goes all wrong,...after those running the banks paid themselves a King's ramsom and were telling us what geniuses they were.
This has caused huge misery as governments struggled to cope with economic collapse and austerity was imposed because the gov said it had run out of money.
This is another lie since the state can create as much money as it needs ...and it has done, billion of dollars worth via QE....only that has just been pumped into financial markets which does not reach the ordinary person or help the "productive economy". We can change this.see here,


Bank of England is publically owned,point is that whether publically or privately owned the central banks look after the banks due to their given objectives,one of which is financial stability. This means that they have banks survival as the no 1 priority and us the citizens a secondary worry,that needs to change is all.Central banks should be made to work for us ,they are the national central bank not the catch all insurance company for commercial banks bad lending desisions. No other form of business gets such subsidised treatment.
This is a big task to achieve but it would change much in our economies.
We do not have Treasuries involved in currency decisions to be honest,but we need to.Treasury issued money helped Abrahm Lincoln win the Civil War it also helped the US Colonies break free from British control because each colony learnt to print their own history is rich in this issue. The US was based on its use of publically created money.Unfortunately the US and the rest of the planet have allowed private banks to create our money....that is THE problem,money creation has been privatised when it can be and should be the state(Treasury ) that does this, then we get democratic control over how much is created and where it gets invested.Currently bank execs do that.....very badly....and we pick up the bill when it all goes wrong.


I'm not a fan of labeling something like the military industrial complex as a conspiracy. Conspiracies need to be less obvious and require some educated guesses and the MIC is almost painfully obvious.

That being said, yes, I find it difficult to take someone serious when they start talking about 911 conspiracies or chemtrails or whatever.

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