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Survey: US-born Latinos now more likely to be β€˜nones’ than Catholic
Among the 65% who said they were raised Catholic, 23% said they no longer identified as such.


xenoview 8 Apr 13

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The news is not all that good. A lot of those who leave the Catholic Church are converting to Evangelical Christian.


Hallelujah, praise the lord!!!?!!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸΌ


Half my family are Latino and about 55%, or about 19.6 million Latinos, of the United States Hispanic population identify as Catholic.. in the Latino countries catholic is a higher rate. Latino catholics have the least knowledge of world religions where atheist have the most knowledge of any group. . I'm a middle grounds guy, that being fearless or not discriminate to either or any side. Not playing the us against them or centroism or extremes enemies game. My only deef is with the greedy bastard. Do get a kick out of reporting the freak show .


Why the Iffin' anybody cares? You Want Something to Die? Ignore it.... For Starters!!!!!

If you don’t care for peoples post, how bout you just keep scrolling?! πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
The ones of us enjoy reading about the decline of the religious nutters feel the same way about your comment as you do the post. Why the fuck are you here anyway….🀨


Sadly they are also not identifying as Democrats.

That is because they believe in the misinformation that if you work hard you can have it all in the US.

@Jolanta Well, they got here and leading a better life than they used to (most likely) no matter how bad it is. That experience is what informs them and it's a rather Capitalistic one.

@rainmanjr I live in a mostly Hispanic city, most here are democrats, most identify as catholic, that's the way they were raised and I do remember history, half of the United States was Mexico. Some of us were born in the United States. Now I don't go around asking people if they're atheist but I do know that the catholic church up the street from me gets very crowded. So I don't know.....

@MichelleGar1 Me, too. From what I read Latinos are voting Con in greater numbers.

@rainmanjr Here, yes, we vote and mostly democratic. The city is the 5th largest city in Texas and we're more liberal and open minded here, well most are. I had a friend visit from a northern mostly white state and couldn't believe two girls were holding hands walking down the street and no one was harassing them.

@MichelleGar1 But it's in TX so always in danger of being lost to the hole (pun). If the Authority becomes popular enough (betting on Latinos to completely stop all abortions, for instance, seems to be working) they can then make cities like yours a vacation attraction (the liberal part of TX) which brings in lots of sales tax dollars but doesn't take over the so-called "morality."

@rainmanjr Actually we're right on the border with Mexico and New Mexico. We can go across either border to get an abortion, luckily for us. We can get recreational weed from either a dealer or a cannabis shop, just be careful and don't get caught! I personally still prefer to buy from the small gut just trying to make a living.

@MichelleGar1 I accept the safety of a shop that returns profits to the community in which it stands. I can't imagine why co-ops are not more common and powerful. NM is far better than TX so it seems like a nice place.

@rainmanjr New Mexico is a beautiful state, I used to call Albuquerque my second home and would also visit Santa Fe, New Mexico often, love Santa Fe! I still buy my weed from the street dealer, being Latina, I have homies who sell and it helps them buy groceries for their children. I know where the money I spend goes to. I have relatives who live in Mexico and I have visited them, very beautiful to go see Camargo, it's a small town further south from Chihuahua. Small town feel with small town ways. My relatives own a torterilla and sell tortillas and chorizo, they barter with the neighbors for freshly squeezed milk and freshly laid eggs. I drank the milk and didn't get sick, it was better than the milk sold in the US.

@MichelleGar1 Sounds lovely. Maybe we'll bump into each other whenever I visit Santa Fe/Taos again? Bring a burrito.

@rainmanjr Cool!!! Just let me know and I'll also take Dos Equis!


Now for the remaining 77% of Latinos.

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