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I am asking that you forget the messenger and the identity of the (5 min)Video makers for a while and answer

  1. Can one say a message often enough?
  2. Can we agnostics do any better?
  3. Should we constantly be repeating one word or phrase from and to the people everywhere?
    Mine would be "ask for evidence"

The video could of course be put on a loop and run for any time you like . This is really about methods of learning, so as to win an opponent into your way of thinking. Call it chanting and it gets more familiar . As used by Buddhism and several Eastern religions. Most people with a cause eventually reach a chant! . Do they achieve anything and could you invent one for agnostics??

Mcfluwster 7 May 3

Enjoy being online again!

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I feel attacked. lol

@BufftonBeotch Not my intention. Sorry. Can you explain?

@Mcfluwster I posted this video just the other day.

@BufftonBeotch Can we know where and for what intention?

@Mcfluwster She posted it here. I' let her tell you what her intention was.

@Mcfluwster I posted it because I have liked the song for many years.
It is for the visuals and languages and traditional instruments across many cultures.
And Emma's Revolution has performed other great songs.
Not that I should be compelled to justify my intentions.


Without evidence you have nothing. The thing to be aware of is that some twist evidence around to where it makes no sense at all and is not evidence.


No, yes, yes.

@FlyingSAUCEsir's my replies by Mcfluwster

1 So you like chanting I take it.
2. Have you tried?
3. You picked up on mine, but I am sure there are others.

@Mcfluwster Chanting, not so much. I'm more into song.

I'm always trying, with mixed results. Feet of clay.

Mine is a version of yours: "Show me the evidence!"

Followed by: "That's not evidence."

And, "Evidence must be independently-verifiable. Personal experience, hearsay, and/or ancient scripture do not cut the proverbial mustard."

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