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The so called “christian conservative” crowd here thinks food stamps and other social programs have caused the US debt crises. I say given that pharmaceutical CEOs make 9 and 10 figures a year without paying taxes, that they, and corporations that pay no taxes may be part of the problem. 🤔
Here in the great US you can simply incorporate your business. This “corporation”, has different rules than a proprietorship or a partnership. Corporations are legal entities here used to avoid liability, and more importantly to avoid paying taxes. Corporations share the same benefits as humans, without having to share in the same responsibilities to our society. 🤨

Aaron70 7 May 3

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The debt ceiling is only a problem when a Democrat is in the white house! All of a sudden, the country needs to rein in spending! If Biden has any balls he will call their bullshit for what it is. I hope he does nothing and let them not raise the debt ceiling. It would show Americans how fucked up these rethuglicans are! And that they are willing to destroy the credit rating of the US government for political gain. But Biden will most likely submit to their blackmail in some form is my guess. That is what I expect from the anybody but Trump President. And he'll claim to be saving the country from a default while the rethuglicans will have blackmailed themselves some budget cuts they can claim as a win.

Pretty much, they will keep printing the $$$$$$ until the bubble pops….👀


I am really tired of this whole discussion, paying the fucking bills that we have run up and stop trying to convince the country the dems are the problem.

It's in our Constitution for fuck sake - first in Article 1 Section 8 and reiterated in the 14th Amendment Section 4.
'The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.'

The budget discussions is where we do the arguing NOT the debt ceiling.

The only time I’ve ever seen a balanced budget is when a dem was in office?! True story….👀

I lied, the repubs had a significant surplus one of Ws final years. Instead of applying it to the deficit and reducing it and it’s compounding interest, he sent everyone a $400 check….👀

Then the repubs cried about the deficit after Obama was sworn in…..👀

@Buck Shrub 1 was needed to get everyone to settle down after raygun began to decimate the middle class and provide cover for raygun's 'welfare queen' racist comments. After that it was only dems who ran a balanced budget. Clinton left shrub 2 with a surplus and bush acted like a cocaine addict with a bag full of blow. He ran through that surplus so fast it made my head spin.


So if and when the country starts to default on it's debt, the blame will be placed directly on the Republican party. This party seem determined to shoot itself in both feet. Isn't it strange (not) when Democrats are in power it suddenly is about debt but when republicans come along that topic is suddenly absent?

The repubs are consistently a fiscal nightmare. Fuckheads tax overhaul was nothing but a handout to corporations and billionaires….👀

@Buck I just heard that the Biden administration is giving more money to the IRS to go after the wealthy and close a lot of loopholes. It was said some $100 billion is estimated to be hidden due to loopholes. I worked for a huge accounting firm (which later was exposed on PBS Frontline and paid a huge fine to the SEC) and saw, firsthand all the tricks they pulled. If the wealthy paid taxes the amount they pay their tax accountants the country would be a lot better off. Of course the republicans would probably find fault with this as it will affect many of them.

@jackjr Right, my bachelors is in finance and commercial banking. People don’t want to know…….👀


Republicans always want to balance the budget on the backs of the poor. However a good portion of the national debt resulted directly from cutting taxes for the rich and for corporations. Another large portion was caused by George W. Bush, a republican, who started two wars without coming up with any way to pay for them other than borrowing more money. If the wars were based on facts and not fictional "weapons of mass destruction" then perhaps the wars may have a chance of being justified as an expense, but they were based in lies.

I remember how Ronald Reagan promised to lower the national debt by elimination government waste. Instead he increased spending, increased taxes on the middle class and working poor, while reducing taxes for the rich and corporations. For the last 40 years, every republican has increased deficit spending, while every democrat has reduced deficit spending. Under the Clinton Administration, through the National Assessment project, he did what Reagan promised, by evaluating how the government spent money and changed how things were done and saved so much money that for the last two years of his term(s), the budget had a surplus. What was the republican response to a budget surplus? At that time they cautioned about paying down the national debt too quickly!

So, history has shown us that at least over the last 40 years, democrats are more fiscally responsible than republicans, but every time a democrat is president, republicans claim "spending is out of control", when it was their own spending that got out of control.

In short republicans spend like drunken sailors when they are in power, but when democrats take control they blame the debt accumulated by republicans on the democrats.

That’s been my observation my entire life….🤷🏻♂️


I have had food stamps in my lifetime. Food assistance programs have helped myself, my wife, and children. In those days I made like $100 a week. Today many in the world believe the real problems in America are caused by those ahead of you in a checkout line with a food stamp card. How could that be? Walmart still believes that you are stealing food from them regardless of who you are, and they want to see your receipt as you leave the store. They even want the local police to assist them if you refuse. This is crazy! It gets worse when the cops fall for it and they do not even work for the store.

Carry this forward and you find a select bunch of politicians who think Social Security and its expanded benefits are "entitlements" and you should be required to do a song and dance or trick or treat thing to be able to draw that money. Not only does the GOP want to restrict your healthcare, they also want to limit the insurance fund that you have paid into all of your life. This insanity comes in part from the fact that children benefit from these programs and the kids might be the children of immigrants. OMG, they might be illegal immigrants. "Born in America" does not apply here and we need police to round them up and check them.

Now we find the real problem in LLC. Limited liability company can be a limited liability corporation. They want all their money guaranteed at the top and remain untouchable legally while dictating policies of million dollar building and land restructures that we, the consumers, end up paying for. This is real time inflation. LLC is the real culprit. In my area alone businesses get a million dollar physical makeover every 10 years. This has nothing to do with city governments, politics, or political party. This is corporate wealth at work, paying their CEO's insane salaries and causing sky rocketing inflation that all of us end up paying for.


That's why LLC stands for limited liability company, so the owners can't be held personally responsible for any harm they cause. It's easy to set up an LLC. I had one when I owned a small apartment building. Fortunately, no one was ever harmed there. I sold it because I didn't make that much money from it, due to being a nice landlord and taking care of my tenants. The next owner wasn't so nice, but he made money.

Right, this is why LLCs are so popular. The owners can’t be held directly liable, only the business. So any assets that are the owners personal property are off limits.


Isn't it funny how many "Christians," think it is wrong to give help to poor people

They think food stamps make people not want to work. A large portion of food stamp recipients here are employed full time, and yet can’t afford to eat….that’s damn near every one of Sam Waltons full time employees…..👀

Yep. My son gets food stamps. He is studying full time to be an engineer. He also works part-time as a teaching assistant at a university lab, and he makes very little. Oh yeah, and he is on the autism spectrum. He has to fight every year to keep the food assistance he has. It's an ongoing battle. I help him too, because if I didn't, he'd run out of food by the third week of the month and starve.

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