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And his cult wants this hothead with no self control in power again.

BufftonBeotch 8 May 25

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He was a lot better president than that crooked senile idiot we have now!

Your belligerent has the vocabulary of a dull 4th grader and bragged about passing a mental health assessment test. Man. Woman. Camera. Person. TV.

Everyone who has been within 3 feet of health care knew what happened except him.

Oh, you actually think that he gave a shit about doing the job?
Mmm, politics and policies aside, you take on an employee and part of their duties as defined in their employment contract is to A, give proper notice before quitting and B, help acquaint/train up their replacement. Now if the employee did this I would be inclined to give them a good reference but if they goofed off during their notice, just showed up sometimes and refused to communicate with the new guy? Well, they could go kick rocks for a reference, I'm paying you for the full term of your employment and I would expect you to fulfil your side of the contract. Otherwise, they are not a good employee, period.
How did Trump handle the transition of power? Bear in mind that every other administration regardless of ideologies or politics, worked with the incoming administration for the good of the country. They deserve no great praise for this, as it was just their godamned job and Trump failed to do his.
So leave aside 2 impeachments, numerous indictments, heading the most corrupt administration since Harding, destroying America's foreign policy relations, being Putin's personal botty boy and committing actual fucking treason, He gets an F- on his simple employment record.
Oh and before you say "but Biden..." remember that Biden did not start from a peaceful transition of power like Trump did. On the contrary, he started from a cult-based insurrection.

@273kelvin Biden and the crooked Main stream media along with the intelligence community told a bunch of lies before the 2020 election to help Biden win the election. Can’t blame Trump for being pissed off about this but he should have handled the transition better than he did. If Trump wins the nomination again I will support and vote for him again as he’s a far better alternative than any democrap. I do favor DeSantis in the primary tho as I consider him to be much more electable in the general election.

@273kelvin Obama was working with the intelligence community to try to undermine Trumps election before he even took office.

@Trajan61 For one, the FBI released all that Hillary email crap just before the vote in 2016 that tipped the election. So don't give me bs about the intelligence community/police forces being left-wing biased. But how about this for a thought? Maybe some in the intelligence community knew just how bad Trump was and dangerous he was to American interests. How deeply embedded he was in Putin's agenda and refused to cover up his crimes or go along with his fascist plans. Bear in mind he was actually calling on Biden to be arrested during the election!
How about maybe (just maybe) Trump did such a piss poor job of handling a real crisis "Can we inject bleach?... It will all be over by easter...It's all a Democratic hoax" etc. *That Sleepy Joe in a basement seemed like the better option to more people than the schoolyard bully did?
But I might be wrong, maybe he is a political genius or maybe they really needed to cheat to beat him. However, considering his hand-picked candidates for the midterms, I doubt it.
I honestly do not doubt your sincerity and perspective on US politics. What I doubt is your misplaced loyalty. The GOP as it stands is a long way from the party of Ike. It is not the party of Regan/Bush. It is now the party of MTG and her Christian-right crowd. I get the Republican ethos, less govt. free-market forces, self-determination, enterprise and conservatism. That is NOT the present GOP and you know it.
The question you have to ask yourself (and it's only guys like you that can do it) is do you A, continue to support the lunacy of radical right-wing destructionism (see debt crisis) or B, Try and pull your party back to real conservative values? A lot will depend on whether or not you know how to do one of the hardest things in business. Ie Knowing when to stop throwing good money after bad!

*I watched his betting odds go from 8/13 in Dec 2019 to 9/2 August 2020


Has it ever occurred to you that maybe he is correct? 🙄😂 Dont bother answering to me, I know you don't have a clue. And I honestly don't care what you have to say. We know you're to ignorant to know what you're talking about. 🥴😎

Any man has the right to grab any woman's genitals at random?

That is what you think is right?

Fuck OFF!

And the word you wanted is "too" vomit face.


He’s been America’s most successful con men but he will soon pop, as they all have, and spill his hot air.

What is it with republican's affection for electing stupid men to be President?

@BufftonBeotch I've not been a 'publican so can only guess. I think it has to do with a pack mentality falling behind, but fully supportive of, the one with the best senses. That provides warnings and forges a path so is a deeply inbedded instinct. The liberal instinct is similar but mixed with curiosity. This favors diversity and that decreases fear of neighbors but has not solved basic social functions (like education or health) which it claims to care about. I think it's not a Party affliction but an intrinsic human one. A flaw with greater peril as a population expands. Cream is not the only thing that rises and is not always sweet.

@rainmanjr bush2 and the tangerine mussolini certainly.

@BufftonBeotch Bill Clinton was our worst until Jr came along and, in my opinion, Obama failed us in a few ways. Not prosecuting anyone, Bankers or lying mass-murderers, was a very bad mistake. I laugh when Holder now tells us about prosecuting 45. Yes, we should but Eric wouldn't know how to do that. I like the guy, and understand Mitch neutered him, but inexperience showed. PATRIOT expansion crap wasn't very Progressive, though, and the Asian Trade treaty might have been called stupid by those living its effects. American leadership has really been bad since JFK died (though I owe Carter my life).


Go E. Jean!!

She said his member is so tiny she could not be sure if he penetrated her or not.
That should be written in the sky.

@BufftonBeotch why doesn't that surprise me? The ones with the biggest mouths have the smallest peepees

@TheoryNumber3 Like a drooling neutered pug humping a pillow.


Donald J Cunt

Welcome to the asylum! lol


The big problem is that lawsuits never stop this clown and he never pays up. How do attorneys that he has even get paid? I hear that Rudy never got paid.

One of his latest lawyers quit as he never got paid and the flim flam orangutan is not capable of keeping his mouth shut.

Eventually, the court will make him pay, or go to prison. The lawyers though, accept this work pro bono, I guess. Probably for the publicity.

@Organist1 There is no prison or consequences for not paying a civil judgement.

It is why he has never paid a single dollar to any one.

@BufftonBeotch He can have a lien placed on his property. He could also be found in civil contempt, which could theoretically land him in jail. I'd love to see E. Jean living at Mar-a-Lardo (without tRump, of course). Wouldn't you? 🙂

I have to believe that eventually he'll step in his own shit and no longer be a burden to this country.

@TheoryNumber3 Someone with no self control cannot have access to the nuclear football again.

Plus he took funds from a kids' cancer research charity event he hosted and funneled them into the trump organzation to pay for the event. Wadda guy

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