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Rampant child sexual abuse is occurring in churches — not at drag shows (
The Illinois attorney general released a report Tuesday finding that almost 2,000 children suffered sexual abuse by 451 Catholic clergy between 1950 and 2019.

“It is my hope that this report will shine light both on those who violated their positions of power and trust to abuse innocent children, and on the men in church leadership who covered up that abuse,” Kwame Raoul said in a statement. “These perpetrators may never be held accountable in a court of law, but by naming them here, the intention is to provide a public accountability and a measure of healing to survivors who have long suffered in silence.”

As the attorney general's statement appears to acknowledge, state law limits how long after an alleged crime a suspect can be charged, meaning many of these allegations may never be heard in a court of law. So the question then turns to what exactly we are to do with this information.

And I think the clear answer is to use it as a compass of sorts, helping inform us where child sexual abuse is — and isn’t — likely to occur. The Illinois report adds to the thousands of previously reported incidents of child sexual abuse by clergy in conservative-leaning religious institutions over the past few decades. This includes last year’s report from Southern Baptist Convention leaders on allegations of widespread sexual abuse within the ultraconservative denomination.

By comparison, there have been no credible reports, to my knowledge, of child sexual abuse at drag shows. And, of course, I’m only making the comparison here because many conservatives — including religious leaders in the Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention — falsely equate drag shows or LGBTQ people with sexual perversion. In response, Republican lawmakers are pushing measures that bar minors from attending drag shows.

Will there now be a widespread push to bar children from churches given the thousands of reported sexual abuse incidents nationwide? Don’t bet on it.

The numbers don’t lie: America’s children seem at far more risk in some places of worship than they would be at a drag show.-Ja'han Jones

MyTVC15 7 May 31

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I agree with the article but I still cannot figure out why the right is reporting that people want to take their kids to drag shows. Other than causing an issue is there an importance to this? Robin Williams, Flip Wilson, Milton Berle and others used to dress up and try to entertain us, but what is this thing now about kids and drag shows? "Woke" perversion by those who have nothing else to do politically. BTW, I have never been to a drag show and have no desire to see one.

Drag is fun. It can vary as much as any other entertainment from G to very adult.
I have seen Lady Chablis at a gay club in Savannah shortly after THE Book and THE Movie and even that was only a hard R.
I have also seen very family friendly performances in a nearby small town right here in coastal SC.

Sadly, I think the freak right wingers have killed that fun for awhile.

I t seems odd to be to want to bring a child to a drag show. I have never been to one and I can't picture myself going to one, but you and I are the older generation. The younger generation see things differently that we do and they have different idea on how to have fun. Personally, I would rather a my child end up at a drag show than at a Trump rally. Some people actually take their kids to Trump rallies.


I may point this out next time one of my overly religious friends comments about drag shows.


There will be if we make it happen. This is an important connection and I applaud you for making it. I will certainly do so from now on.

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