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Even Arnold Swarzenegger is agnostic?

Arnold Schwarzenegger Says Heaven Is 'Fantasy' And 'Nothing' Happens When We Die

I know...he makes it sound like he's died already...weird...but that's Arnold for you!

We all know he's "half-a-bubble" off...


Robecology 9 June 6

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Dude lived a pretty wild life. I've enjoyed his early movies, Conan, Terminator (1&2), Predator are definitely tops for me.
Almost met him while I worked for a major fitness supplement company, however that opportunity was stifled by the ego of the managers at the time.

What I'd like to know is how he arrived at this belief of agnosticism, the process always fascinates me, especially with someone of his platform stature. Perhaps this can influence others from his fan base that are theists to review their own belief system. Sometimes is takes celebrity proximity influence to critically think.


Never met him or worked on any of his films. However, from what I heard from people who have worked on sets in his movies, he is not a nice guy in real life and can often be a real asshole if you don't act like he is god's gift to the world.


This does not surprise me at all and I share some of his beliefs. Arnold is a practical man in my opinion. Even though my own background in religion is Pentecostalism I've always had problems with this "soul belief" everyone talks about. Nowhere in the bible does it say a god created you with a soul. Instead it talks of us becoming a "living soul." I suppose that means you can also die and be a dead soul. The desire to live forever and never die, sewn up with beliefs of Saul of Tarsus, (St. Paul) who never knew in his great teachings if he was "in or out of his body" has solidified our modern soul beliefs.

Some say the soul weighs 21 grams but an early physician named Duncan MacDougall experimented with weighing people at death to prove soul existence. Nothing realistic came out of this. Apparently dead means dead. Throwing the monkey wrench into all of this the bible speaks of graves being opened and we go to meet Jesus in the air in the last days. A grave does not have to be opened for a non-existent part of you to escape. This means the physical body. Even the bible says that "the dead know not anything." I find that people who believe you die and are instantly in heaven with Jesus have their minds made up already. If you throw aliens into this biblical picture and want to believe that as proof you must also believe they had an ability to rejuvenate rotting and dried up things bringing them back to life. Maybe aliens invented Birdseye veggies.

Back to Arnold again, his father was a Nazi and he never even went to his funeral when he died. I'm sure Arnold loved his father but his upbringing had a lot to do with forming his present beliefs. Arnold comes out of this with many ventures and a belief in human justice for all. He is a Republican but has said that he does not understand the modern trend they are following.

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