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Help! I just asked a nice old lady in a hardware store if she knew if they had good hoes there. She, looked at me, turned red and venomously screeched at me "No, not here, this is not that kind of neighborhood, YOU go to hell". So, I'm looking at my GPS, I'm not finding Hell at all. I figured in anyone knew it was, it would be someone in this group. I'm beginning to think it doesn't exist and therefore, there are no good hoes to be found. I just want to take care of my garden.

Dingodog 7 May 3

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Hell is either at 63° 26′ 39.84″ N, 10° 55′ 21.72″ E or 42° 26′ 5″ N, 83° 59′ 6″ W, and hoes are in the garden department.

I presume the lat and long would out one near 1600 PENN, DC?


I mean, to be fair, it's entirely possible that hell is located in Aurora somewhere!?

Kat Level 5 May 11, 2018

I think I know the intersections. Just never called it He'll.


I died ? and that's what happened to the last good hoe in town ?


Puts the Disney song in the Snow White animated film into a completely new light.

Heigh Ho, Heigh ho,
It's off to work we go .......


Hey questionable pronunciation with funny accent is my job !!!! ????????


LOL, I work in a hardware store. If I had heard this interchange, I would have laughed my butt off.

Did your store sell Butts? We used to use corrugated, galvanised iron tanks to hold our rain-water.

@Petter We don't sell butts-- shame on you! We sell nipples, couplings, male & female insert adapters. We're a clean n' decent store, thank you very much.

@jeanhartely 🙂 lol 🙂
The type of store where a customer can get his nuts threaded and can select his size of screw? There must have been a large selection of hoes available. 🙂


Hell's gate is in the Naivasha area of Kenya. It has steam and Carbon Dioxide vents, and hot, flowing rivulets, surrounded by hot, arid countryside. I presume the hoes go there once they have retired.


You might appreciate this classic


It's southwest of Detroit. Nice town if you ignore all the tourist stuff. At least it was when I hitch hiked through it in the 80's


Look for 'Nibelhiem'; I believe that is the name of the realm where the Norse Goddess Hel resides.

Sorry, but I don't know the post code - but the phone country code should be 666


Hel is a seaside resort in Poland.


Oh if you're looking for Hell, you'll find it in Wyoming. It's about a half acre or so. Which is why they call it Hell's Half Acre. I grew up near there. Watch out for snake pits.


I get my hoes from Ida. Ida hoes are some of the best made hoes anywhere.


I never knew hoes were interested in gardening

As hoes age their interests widen...

oh yeah, hoes get real dirty.


Thanks for the chuckle. 🙂

Betty Level 8 May 3, 2018

Evidently you have never been to North Dakota.


Putnam Township, MI 48169


That's what I found on Wiki too 😉 []


Try "Hoeworld" next to Hells kitchen ?

Coldo Level 8 May 3, 2018

Well. There is a Hell, MI. I'm not sure if you will find any hoes there or not. 🙂

Men ?


Stop looking for gardening tools in da hood Homie

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