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Here's the deal with truth.

I know things you don't know. You know things I don't know. What you know is the truth. What I know is the truth. Truth is nothing more than your acceptance.

Look at quantum mechanics. Ask any highly informed scientist of quantum mechanics if all things are possible and they will say β€œYes”. If all things are possible then what is the truth? The truth is nothing more than what you accept.

Aliens don't exist you say. OK, maybe aliens exist but they aren't here on Earth. Etc. It isn't the truth, it's simply what you accept or don't accept. God is real. God is not real. God is A, B, and C. God is none of those things. What is true? What you accept is what is true.

I will say again what I've said many times over. Reality is simply a reflection of what's inside you. Your thoughts are what truth is. Change your thoughts and you change your reality and your truth.

When all this alien stuff comes out your truth, your reality will change with your acceptance of it. Nothing else changes, only your acceptance.

Have you seen the news article about the x-rays of alien bodies the Mexican govt just released to the public? This is not just a little thing. This is only the very tip of the iceberg of truth that is coming and soon will be here. Remember truth is nothing more than your acceptance.

FvckY0u 8 Sep 14

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The more I read your writing, the more the words "new age bullshit" come to mind. πŸ˜‚


Arguing about the existence of gods or technologically advanced extraterrestrial life forms ("aliens" ), taking a hard position one way or the other (they exist; they do not exist) is a fool's errand. In the absence of any independently-verifiable evidence, the best we can do is attempt to assess the probabilities of their respective existences. Ironically, it is somewhat akin to the way physicists treat quantum mechanics (i.e. assessing the probability of a particle being in any particular place at a particular time). πŸ˜‚


Quantum mechanics only works at the scale of subatomic particles. Trying to apply QM to the macro world we live in is nonsense


Nah, bra. That relativism bullshit doesn't fly. There are facts that are objectively true, and there are (some,
many, too many) assertions that are false. What is true does not depend on anyone's acceptance.


Many years ago my cousin, after watching Superman, thought she could fly by "accepting" the idea that she just needed a cape. She tied a towel around her neck and jumped off the roof. She didn't fly, her "truth" was nonsense and she paid a painful price.

Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Many people think that belief and truth go hand in hand, that they cannot be separated. If you are believing a lie, truth is beliefs greatest opposer. The next greatest enemy is education, the learning of the truth.

@FvckY0u My cousin was an impressionable child at the time, what's your excuse.

Agnosticism is irrelevant. Everyone is agnostic, including theists. They, like everyone else, DO NOT KNOW definitively if a god exists, that is why agnosticism is irrelevant.

In order to know, you must have knowledge, in order to have knowledge, you must have evidence. Believers believe without evidence producing knowledge. An atheist or non-believer accepts knowledge that evidence produces. Theists have NOT produced any evidence for gods.

This is why atheists or non-believers demand proof in order to obtain knowledge and theists demand belief in order to sustain their faith.

Science starts with a basic understanding, then tests and experiments to expand that knowledge. When something is in error, or proven false, science embraces it as a part of a more comprehensive understanding. Religion starts with a preconceived notion which they also define as β€œtruth”. Religion resists science, change, reality, or anything that can affect that notion negatively. This has been proven to be a detriment on society as well as dangerous. Religion perceives, or declares, something as β€œtruth”, "evil" or "good" without evidence or even β€œcommon sense”, which confuses the mind and causes emotional distress, which it then uses as a controlling influence.

Just because you accept something as "truth" DOES NOT make it true.

@FvckY0u So, if you accept that the earth is flat does that make the earth flat?

"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. it is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus." - Thomas Jefferson

Just because you accept something as "truth" DOES NOT make it true.

@FvckY0u You cannot be serious, how stupid. You can have a damaged arm that you cannot use, but still have an arm.

You can accept belief based on utter nonsense without evidence, or you can accept proven evidence.

@FvckY0u What is utter nonsense? Here are an few examples:

"Truth is nothing more than your acceptance."

"The truth is nothing more than what you accept."

"What you accept is what is true."

@FvckY0u Your comments make no sense, they are utter nonsense.

So if, as you say, "Stuff you don't know" is utter nonsense, then is brain surgery utter nonsense or being an astronaut or anything else that you don't know? How stupid.

This is why I quoted Thomas Jefferson, which you have proven you don't comprehend even in the slightest.

@Flyingsaucesir Did you notice that he gave you a thumbs up. He doesn't seem to understand sarcasm or ridicule.

@FvckY0u Of course you believe you don't, just another step towards insanity.

@nogod4me I did see that. I don't know what he was thinking. πŸ€”


Sorry, but you have not proved the conclusion " Remember truth is nothing more than your acceptance. A lot of wishful thinking involved above.

You have to do some practical empirical experimental science to know the full meaning of searching for the truth. Once you have proved something involving previously unknown facts to several hundred other scientists, then you might learn to respect their experiments and conclusions They might then agree to respect yours. That is the way it works. Good luck!

@FvckY0u I do believe that I have the ability given time and money to check on what someone else believes and by using science. If I get a positive result then I am on the way to believing it, but I wait for some more scientists I trust before I truly believe. Has your method of testing the truth got as many "Checks and balances" as that?

@Mcfluwster science these days is manipulated by Money. Climate change scam (money) Germ theory (money) and many others.....many corporations had research and development dept with in the corporation and that was not to benefit the consumer, even tho they said it was just another way of lying


No thanks, I like words I bother to speak to mean something, and 'truth', as you've described it, is a nonsense word.

@FvckY0u The word 'truth' out of your mouth doesn't seem to mean anything. Your definition is basically, "truth is whatever each individual thinks" which doesn't convey any information. It's the "what is art" argument all over again. If 'art' is defined differently by every single individual, then someone saying the word 'art' to you doesn't tell you anything.

@FvckY0u It doesn't matter what they say or believe, but it does matter that we're able to effectively communicate. When everyone has their own definitions for words what they say doesn't communicate what they think it does. It's why we have shit like dictionaries.

@FvckY0u You are mixing up truth with preferences.

I would PREFER if the word 'literally' meant only 'literally' but too many stupid people use it to mean 'figuratively'. So the TRUTH is that the word has essentially lost all meaning. On the occasions when I need to use it, I actually have to interject the phrase, "and I'm not one of those people that misuses the word 'literally'". If we let everyone define every word the way they'd personally like to, every sentence will have more interjections to verify the meaning of the words used than content they would like to convey. (Is that kinda what you meant?)


i agree with your statements, and i use to believe aliens, but i have spent many hours working in the dark over the last 40 years or more and have never seen any space craft and i have never met any aliens and there for in my observations have decided there are no aliens until i can be convinced of this. such as meeting one or walking through one of their craft. i could be convinced but watching a video or hearing someone story isn't proof to me.

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