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Truth is stranger than fiction.

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 7

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it is undeniable that Biden has done a lot of good during his tenure, but it is also obvious that he is no longer physically and mentally fit. He should have stepped aside and made way for a younger candidate. That he wants to run again despite all his shortcomings is simply hubris ("I am indispensable." )

It's true that he's showing his age, but I would not say that he is not mentally fit. In fact, he strikes me as quite sharp.

We have a problem with ageism in this country; this is nothing new.

Luckily, the office of POTUS does not require the ability to run marathons. Aside from public-facing, speech-making aspect of the job, it is mainly deliberative. And Biden has an excellent team around him.

I see no reason why he can't go on executing the duties of office to the high standard he has already set. If he's the candidate come November 2024, he will have my vote.


These are the 45% on each side whose minds are made up. It has always been like that. The elections are really decided by the 10% undecided and cross-overs. Nothing new here.


Sadly these 2 memes depict exactly what I am picking up in my area. Sadly again, you can see what others are posting just from reading these 2 memes. No one is taking your guns and only Trumpers are trying to build his wall. During the Obama presidency I heard again and again how he was going to take all our guns and he would also declare Martial Law. None of it happened.

You simply are not following media if you believe biden is not after guns, and he is now starting to finish the wall.

@Tejas And Trump 6` 3" and 216lbs

@273kelvin what are you talking about?

@Tejas Well if you believe all the other crap then you have to believe what he put on his Georgia indictment. Btw I have a bridge in NY that I can let you have at a bargain price

@273kelvin idk about his weight, but he is on the taller side.

@Tejas 6 3" in Georgia but only 6 2" in NY when they measured him. Maybe he ain't such a big guy in NY now?

@273kelvin do you really care? My I'd says I'm 2 inches taller than I am.

@Tejas Oh really? Do also have lifts in your shoes as well?
The point is he is an inveterate liar and not even a good one. If you're gonna shave some weight on a form, at least make it halfway believable. But 215 lbs ffs? Yet you guys keep swallowing all the BS like Stormy Daniels without gagging (although she says that was not that hard) The caddies on his golf courses call him Pele because he kicks the ball out of the rough so often.. If it was just stupid petty stuff then no biggie but people died on Jan 6th because he lied and Faux Gnus repeated his lies.
When will the GOP stop trying to scare you into voting for the likes of MTG and start cleaning house, so they can get some governing done?


@273kelvin so what if someone wears lifts? I've actually seen Trump play golf on tiktok a few times, he not bad. Not that I care for golf or Trump, I just give credit where it's due.

@Tejas Just because he is good does not stop him from cheating. But like I said, this is just indicative of him being a pathological liar but no biggie if it was just that. The problem stems from the fact that it isn't. He lies and people get killed. Yet you guys still faun on his every word and keep sending him money

@273kelvin do you ever worry this much about your own country?

@Tejas My country is not sliding into a fascist dictatorship.

@273kelvin you say that be we enjoy more freedoms here than you do. Sure our right wing is close to if not radical on abortion rights, but people in your country get in trouble for minor things Said on the internet

@Tejas You think you have more freedom. Okay, let's settle this with a game of Internet poker, oh no sorry you can't do that. Well, maybe you might want to make some money off of your political savvy and make a bet on the election. Oops sorry again, not in the land of the free you can't. "But we can have guns and that keeps us free". Oh really? Supose it is 1.30 am and you and your friends have run out of booze? Can you go to an all-night liquor store? Are they even allowed to open all night in your state? Well, let's say they are but it's in a really shady part of town. I can go there and have zero fear of being shot. Are you that free?
I also enjoy freedom from medical bills and none of those freedoms can be enjoyed without your health. But feel free to pay twice as much for a shittier service.
If I were a woman I would also have autonomy over my own body and if an abortion were medically necessary, I would not have to pay for it.
Now this one will sound bonkers but it works. I have a monarchy that protects me from would-be dictators like Trump. All branches of the executive, judiciary, armed services and even the church swear allegiance to the crown, Not something vague like a flag or open to interpretation like a constitution but a living person. So if we had a traitor like Gen Mike Flynn try and use the military to overturn an election, he could pound sand. The military would not do it.
We have relatively free and fair elections. Because we do not allow them to be bought. There are limits on how much can be donated and how much can be spent. Meanwhile, your guys have let their paymasters pollute your air and water (98% of Americans have forever chemicals in their bodies)
So I am free to play poker, bet on elections, be free from financial worries when I go to the doctor, free to go out without fear of being shot, free to vote for a candidate who has not been bought and have a govt that will bimble along without violent insurrection. But hey, enjoy your bang bangs whilst your HOA. tells you how often to mow your lawn.

Do not take my word for it. Google just how free we are BTW neither of our countries made the top ten.
UK was 14th
USA was 17th


@273kelvin we have internet poker all kinds of internet gambling. We even have casinos. I personally have free health care. People choose to move where there is an hoa, some people prefer it and they do have their purpose. I guess it's one of those things you don't know what you're missing unless you live here. I've lived in Europe for a time, although it's nice for the most part free is not the first word I'd use to describe it. It's not very diverse either just white people everywhere.

@Tejas Well my part is very diverse. I would like to know which Internet poker sites you can use because "Pokerstars" (the world's biggest) which I use only has Americans on the Play Money site.
Either way, the impartial surveys I consulted via Google, puts the UK narrowly freer than the USA

@273kelvin how is it impartial, because you say so? Online gambling just gambling in general has been a thing here for decades. I don't gamble because I think it's stupid, just my preference.

@Tejas Oh what a shocker! A Trumpist does not believe in an impartial source.
Well, you try it yourself. Google "Most free countries" and see what it tells you. I did and each survey lists its criteria. None of them puts either of us in the top 10 we used to be neck and neck at UK 14 USA15 but the abortion ban dropped you 2 places.

@273kelvin I've never been a Trump supporter, I challenge you to find find evidence stating otherwise. My main point of freedom is. if you don't have the ability to defend yourself you're family or your liberty, then you really don't have freedom at all. Do you always make assumptions about people or do you not care about honesty?

@Tejas I do apologise for assuming you were a Trumper but you were defending him earlier so...
Now let's deal with the great NRA 2ndA con job
a) One of my favourite jokes is. An American asks for directions in Ireland and an old guy says "If I were you, I would not have started from here"
If I lived in the US, I might well own a gun for protection. Why would I need one...? Because lots of people including bad guys have guns. Do I own one or want to own one in the UK? No, because simply owning one would make me the bad guy. There is a minimum 5-year term for firearm offences, so even though some criminals own guns, they will be the high-end drug dealer types who keep it on the down-low. Your low-end home invasion/carjacker type will not have a gun.
b) Defending your liberty. So if the FBI, State Troupers or local sheriff came to arrest you, you could defend your liberty with the firearms at your disposal? How did that work out in Waco? Where are the pro-choice activists defending their liberty outside abortion clinics in Florida and Texas? The idea that the general populace could take on the might of the US military is absurd and dangerous. For whilst you buy the lie, thousands of your kids buy the bullets.


He also wants to disarm the vast majority of us. He is too old, and he's building back that racist Trump wall his constituents were crying about for years.

Tejas Level 8 Oct 7, 2023

The money for the wall was allocated by Congress during the the Trump administration. It has to be spent on what Congress intended it for. Biden cannot re-allocate the funds for something else. His hands are tied.

@Flyingsaucesir the biden admin went out of their way to begin work on it again.

@Tejas That's it, beat him up for doing his job.

@Flyingsaucesir isn't it a moral issue with the left? "People should be allowed to flee from such and such and come here". I'm sorry but if my job forced me to go against my morals principles or integrity, I'd quit. But you keep toting that party line no matter what.

@Tejas It's a common misconception of the political right that most liberals are not for strong borders. We are! I, and virtually all my liberal friends, believe that the United States has the right and duty to its citizens to control
and limit immigration. At the same time, we acknowledge that the US birth rate is not sufficient to meet demands, that there is a great demand for labor, that the vast majority of immigrants add positively to the economy and the culture, and that we have a duty to render aid and comfort to people who are fleeing political, religious, or criminal persecution. Contrary to the idiotic mumblings of Donald Trump, most immigrants to the United States are good, hardworking, tax-paying people. They come here because they are choosing freedom over oppression. They know what it is to live without liberty and opportunity, and they greatly appreciate what they have here. And when they have gone through the process of naturalization, and gained their American citizenship, they know more about American civics than most people whose citizenship is a mere accident of birth. And you know what? Like it or not, we live in a globally connected world. We have to deal with foreign powers, on economic, political, diplomatic, and military fields every day. Do you realize what an advantage it is to have Americans who understand those foreign languages, economies, political systems, and cultures? Do you have any idea how much soft power we are able to exercise in the world because of our own diversity? We need immigrants as much as they need us.

But I suppose Trump is not too old. 3 years difference between them. 🙂

@DenoPenno he is too old too


US Presidential election is about optics, personality not about merits or performance. That's why Bernie Sanders or Ron Paul could not even reach nomination although their messages were more resonating with public.

That's where Biden is bad and sadly Trump is good.

If it were 10 years ago and I knew he wouldn't give up to another corporate dem I'd vote for Bernie again.


Thankfully, Bernie and his likes would never be U.S. President. Else we would be like Venezuela or Cuba where you wouldn't like to live. Don't you think?

@St-Sinner Or you could be like Demark or Sweden. It does not have to be like some banana republic where the outgoing president tries to instigate coop... oh wait, let me rethink that.

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