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I saw Star Wars at least a dozen times in the theater. (Including opening day) It has had an impact in my childhood line nothing else. We had all the figures, the toys, the soundtrack on record, the movies on laserdisc, costumes, lightsabers, posters,even the bedding and curtains! I was 7, 10 and 13 when the movies came out and I think the timing was perfect! I know its been said before but HAPPY STAR WARS DAY!!! (I made that death star a year ago 😉 )

pepperjones 8 May 4

Enjoy being online again!

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My best friend, Robbie and I were the first in line the night Star Wars opened in my city. It wasn't that big a deal at the time with the general public, but us sci-fi, comic book, D & D nerds couldn't wait for this "B" movie to arrive. I couldn't wait each week to collect my paper route money so I could go buy another action figure.


Hurray! May the 4th Be With You!

@pepperjones Thank you! I remember my father taking me to go see Star Wars when it first came out in the theaters. It had a huge impact me. Blew my little mind at the time, LOL. I've been a lifelong fan, not only of Star Wars, but sci-fi in general. I blame that early experience - in the best way.


Yes me too ! I grew up with it...and yet it was so ahead of its time. I can do a pretty good James Earl Jones Vader voice , your lack of faith in Christianity is disturbing..
Now the circle is complete...

lol, sounds pretty good. 🙂

@BeeHappy I promise you it does sound better than it'll just have to take my word for it. I cheat a little bit though..i I use a discarded alufoil cardboard roll to speak makes your voice resonate and it's really funny..the kids love it. ???

@Hitchens I believe you, not sure why, I have no evidence. Oh my, that is how religion starts.

@BeeHappy it's not religion I used on old Jedi mid trick on you. ???

@BeeHappy it's not religion I used on old Jedi mid trick on you. ???

@Hitchens hahaha!


I think part of why Star Wars was so big was because it offered something to believe in that didnt require religion. The Force -“It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.” Obi-Wan Kenobi

gater Level 7 May 4, 2018

You're such a cool woman. May the 4th be with you. Legend 🙂


The foundation of my world ????


Nice one Jones haha!!! Happy Star wars too.


Hey thanks for the great pics !!!!!!


I did a lot of that stuff too.
I was 11 when the first movie came out. Had the soundtrack record and some of the toys.
Remember the toy Lightsabers that were basically a flashlight with a colored tube attached to the end?


Nobody "forced" me to say this, but you make a rally cute Princess Leia; ?

Why did Anakin Skywalker cross the road??? To get to the Dark Side!

@pepperjones A few years ago?! Utter tosh! You’re a more than perfect replica (is that an oxymoron?). ?


That is a great looking Death Star! I managed to save the vinyl soundtrack from my childhood, but Mother sold my figures, toys, and complete trading card sets in a garage sale when I moved out and went off to college! May the 4th be with you as well!


Happy Star Wars Day

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