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Imagine a god so weak and puny that it needs humans to enact blasphemy laws so that its feelings don't get hurt!

anglophone 9 Nov 11

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And unlike Jesus, I expect they will be coming back to much of America soon.


Kind of like Ron DeSantis


The mere mention of blasphemy laws always makes me think of the stoning scene in Monty Python's Life Of Brian, where the man is stoned for having uttered the name Jehovah, etc...


Not hurting god's feelings is one thing. It is also hard to imagine a god who actually lives in another dimension. His followers make this claim in order to fully protect their god. He is hard enough to know anyway but how would you even find him in another dimension?


Imagine a Jesus style meme God organism that was charged with the crime of blasphemy to be punished by being beaten and crusified.

Word Level 8 Nov 11, 2023

The "god" is imagined but the laws are real. 😟

Betty Level 8 Nov 11, 2023
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