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When did Agnostic come back online? I thought it was gone forever! Very happy that I just happened to click on an old tab and have it come up!! Glad to see many of the old familiar faces too!

Barnie2years 8 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome back.


Are we at a stage where there should be an emergency information line/ e-mail address to keep us calm and happy while you fix the fault?. I still want an expalantion of why it is happening.. Should we just phone AHA?


Definitely do not have access to messages. I mean I can read them but not respond.

Well, take comfort in the fact that people can only send you one, then their texts will never go through again.


Welcome back.


It's back even if a little shaky... I get a "502 Bad Gateway" error still now and then. But I'll wait a while and come back on and everything is fine. Welcome back!

I’ll keep that in mind.

Yeah, around about 5 pm GMT the site goes down for about 15 minutes every day, I think it is some kind of self maintenance.


Welcome back! Now I am again a lowly level 5 (and i wouldn't even be close to that but everybody on here helped!) as I had to reinvent myself, the latest version would not recognize any password I ever had.....

It took mine, no problem. I was shocked, figured I would have to start from zero too.


Been gone and back twice, last most recently. Now we know it's about site certificates. Seems to be on a wing and a prayer, frankly, to coin an odd phrase.


Welcome back Barnie!


The site is an https type site that has a certificate for monthly renewal. Most browsers will not let you on the site when the certificate expires. This is an issue for admin (whoever he or she is) but some browsers do have a workaround for certificates that are expired and they let you choose to visit the site anyway.

@FvckY0u you blame site problems on hormones? Not misogynist at all, are ya.......

@annewimsey1 I have the 🤡 blocked for a reason…..🤠

@FvckY0u In his defence, the first admin certainly was a he, and we have had at least one, possibly two or three since, at least one of whom was a she. Some people however are not aware there have been changes.

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