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Name a movie or 6 that you have tried to watch several times because everybody raved about it and you fell asleep every single time.
Mine are all of the Harry Potter's and Wiily Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
I have tried, but Zzzzzzzzzz.......

annewimsey1 7 Nov 25

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Bowling For Columbine and 2,000 Mules, both of which bored the snot out of me. I never even bothered to watch the 1997 version of Titanic, all I had to do was hear a little bit about the plot, and that convinced me to skip over that one.

Titanic was def a rom-com with drowning.
However, the scene where the propeller rises up above the hapless not-yet-drowned is INCREDIBLE.
Having built submarines I know Deep in my soul that propellers are supposed to be Underwater, or at least horizontal. What a moment!
I have actually watched the movie 3 times just for that scene...oh, & it had great music and a lot to say about feminism too.


The Watchmen
Pan's Labyrinth


Long ago, after seeing “The Gods Must Be Crazy”, I stopped watching movies. But, being a chocoholic I made an exception for WWCF.

A second exception happened to be a Criterion Collection movie and I started searching public library databases for CC movies. I may soon subscribe to CC.


Cheech & Chong. Dr. Zhivago, Star Wars 7-9...


On the sleep issue I find that at 77 I go to sleep easily. I'm also finding that some movies are way too long, so a lot of this is the movie. They make longer films today because of higher admission prices and the idea is to give us our moneys worth.


All Coen brothers movies, I cannot see why people rave about them, boring pretentious crap.


All of them, I hardly ever watch a movie any longer. Either popular culture, especially the movies, has crashed and burned, or I have turned into a pompus old fart. ( Possibly both. )

I've noticed the same thing. It can't be us, so it must be the movies.

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