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It’s ALWAYS been a HUGE double standard, fact!!
The old Muslim bad, christian good bullshit….
Truth is US citizens are ignorant af and have no idea why they’re even fighting.🙃

Aaron70 8 Dec 9

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Permit Palestinians to vote on a 2 state solution. The terrorists will not accept it anyway & continue to terrorize. Arab Israelis have the same rights as non Arabs. Arabs are not required to serve in the military. When Jordan (which is Palestine in my opinion as 98% claim that title) controlled the Wailing Wall, no Jews were permitted to worship there. Under Israel Arabs, Moslems have free religious worship. Israel is the only country that changes government via the democratic system (Egypt elections are suspect). I want the "Palestinians" to have a country but even the Palestinian Authority is considered corrupt by their own ilk. Surrounded by non democratic Sheiks, Kings, Despots and such, I must support the democratic principle in action. BB, Trump-like, must go. But so must terrorism and authoritarians. HAMAS attacks. Gaznians suffer. Its all horrible. Remember what the Arab Spring has wrought. Libya, Syria, Egypt with the Moslem Brotherhood.


Many Americans do not think Israel deserves American support. You just arent seeing it in the news unless they are calling it antisemitism. Most American news reporting is completely biased against any support for Palestinians. Its disgustingly blatant and unfair. But you are not wrong about most being ignorant of why the conflict began.

Seeing all kinds of this “antisemitism” in the news. Precisely my point…..👀


Yes, most of us are ignorant of this bullshit. The reason why is that Americans backed Israel "because of Jesus Christ" and they still do. Americans think this is where their religion came from and the Jews do not give a crap about Christianity. Yes, this is the "holy land" we say and America is along with Israel in them becoming a nation and anything else you can think of. What we forget is that this is all made up crap that pushes our "Christian Nation" crowd right to the limit. If the wrong people get elected in our government we will see this to an extreme. It scares me a lot. It should scare everyone a lot. People need to be looked and and dealt with as human beings.

Christians are incapable of seeing Muslims as human beings…..😇

American Christians are, it is all part of the great myth of American exceptionalism


I was shocked when I did research and found out Israel basically stole thousands of Palestinians homes in 1948 and basically control what goes in and out of Palestine. I can understand Palestinians anger against Israel. Most Americans who are Christians just think Israel owns it and Palestinians are the problem

This instance in 1948 is pretty much the kind of abuse they’ve been subjected to for decades from Israel…..😐


It’s bullshit, indeed.

I’ve bore witness to the Israeli occupation and mistreatment of the Palestinian nation my entire life. Never ever do you here our leaders object to it on any level ever…..🤷🏻♂️

@Buck Israel as a a concept gained a lot of power and free good will from a lot of nations because of the atrocity that was the holocaust.
However time and abuse of that good will has now almost exhausted the international guilt and desire for recompense for the Jewish people.
And finally the world is waking up to the undeniable fact that Judaism is not represented by Israel, and neither does Israel represent the average Jew.

Tragically the oppressed has become the oppressor and has bettered the lesson

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