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Do you dream about someone that you love to do things with?

singerval 3 May 5

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I have plenty of wet dreams, problem is I can never remember who I was with !


I have lesbian dreams often. Not once when awake have I ever desired to be with a female sexually. I’ve had dreams that I know exactly what spurred them, other dreams that I know with 100% certainty it’s not a subconscious “want.” Therefore, I put zero value into my dreams. They just are. I do enjoy the delicious ones, though. And despise the horrific ones.

Damn, girl. Why do we guys find that to be so hot? Conversely, why to women so much like to hang with the gay guys?


I’d long dreamt about someone I thought I’d like to do things with … till we finally spent serious time together.. Kinda dream free at the moment 🙂

Varn Level 8 May 5, 2018

If you mean daydream, then yes.

If you mean dream (while sleeping) about doing something fun with a loved one, then not often, since I seldom remember my dreams now.


Sometimes there is just no one . Just go alone or stay at home alone. So many lonely people in this age of communication and so many people.


Yes, sometimes. My subconcious mind often takes me places that I hadn't expected.

I'm not into the 'dream analysis' thing that abstract concepts in a dream have the same meanings for everyone but I do believe our dreams are often processing thoughts in some kind of idle mode.


I have nightmares about never being able to do such things again


Yes, have dreamt that I was with a person I wanted to spend more time with. The dream was so vivid I was sure she was naked beside me when I awoke....


Sometimes - and even have serial dreams- like a show-that continue into next episode but not last night.


All the time. It's sometimes the only way I can get to sleep.

I mean, I visualize us together and it helps me fall asleep. Then sometimes the dream will just continue.


Yes most nights I dream of a faraway lover I cannot be with. Sometimes beautiful, sometimes difficult to bear.


I had a dream that I forgot to remind a friend to get something done. I woke up and reviewed txt messages and emails. I even checked the court docket. Guess they missed that appointment, lol. 🙂

To make the matter worse, the local news was playing a sports report from last Wednesday.

Cue the Tardis sound effects!


I often have dreams that are extremely weird and detailed. Didn't have one this morning or I'd tell the tale...


Not sure about your 'love to do things with', is it relations, activities, sex?


I did but it hurts everytime so I quit.


Not since I was a teenager, "wink wink"


I daydream about there being someone kind and fun who enjoys doing things with me.


I certainly daydream about having someone I love to do things with.


Never and I equate this with romance so more power to the dreamers!


I dream about having someone to do the things I love with.


Hell yes




The one that got away. Dream about her all the time.


Only a little- twice a day

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