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Amarillo, TX city government considering banning people from traveling to get abortions. Neighbors would be encouraged to report neighbors.


Have you no shame ? You are truly like the Taliban.

Switchcraft 7 Dec 19

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That reminds me of the 50's and 60' in Germany. especially East Germany, where reporting on your neighbors or family members was encouraged to keep peace. Oh America, will you never learn from the examples from o ther countries?


The Repubs are the American Taliban, and have been for some time now, they just don't get their own irony..


The military and its contractors should be instructed to remove as many assets and bases from such states as possible as they impede readiness. Said states should similarly be blacklisted from all future expenditures. The negative effects on recruitment and readiness should be calculated as a cost and applied against all bidding proposals. The FBI should be investigating these legislators as RICO conspiracies intended to violate the 1st Amendment against the establishment of religion.


Right to travel is explicit in the Constitution, but the MAGA crowd only gives a feck about the Constitution when it's defending one of their rights.


I'm thinking my state, Connecticut, should set up a nice welcome/refugee camp for those poor bastards...we immediately passed laws making abortion a right when all this crap started, cannabis is legal, etc etc etc...much nicer climate than texass too (except for about 15-ish days of awful humidity mid-summer), and the snow we used to get when i was a kid has vanished. Tonight there are moths fluttering around the outdoor light and dandelions are growing like the pretty weeds they are...however, global warming is off-topic, sorry.
And we need workers, especially those with the gumption to get out while they still can.........come on up!!!!!!!


Blame it on Greg Abbott.

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