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I simply do not understand the fact that so many American southerners show such veneration and celebration of the Confederation and of the beliefs which underlay the culture of the Civil War American south. Far too many southerners speak of that earlier culture as their “heritage.” When they do that, they are saying that the past culture of a region automatically defines us and that we must venerate and uphold that past.

I am a child of the American south and the direct descendant of at least three Confederate soldiers. But I have a mind of my own, a strong base of oral values, and exercise critical thinking. I view the Confederacy and the Civil War south as a stain on American history. I refuse to honor or venerate those people who took part in the rebellion and the beliefs they fought for. I understand that, given the culture in which they lived, most of they probably believed that they were doing he right thing. But, they were NOT!!! Their actions wee on behalf of an immoral cause, and acts of rebellion against our Constitution ad nation.

Let me say to all southerners: You choose your heritage, and the past of your family and region do not automatically define you. And, your choice of what you venerate is your responsibility, and you are fully responsible for the results of your choices. Do not hide that responsibility by pretending that you are defending your “heritage.”

wordywalt 9 Dec 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Perhaps it is noteworthy that our modern perspectives can distort what really happened historical events, so we can be careful that the truth of historical events is not fixed and is not used for political objectives.

Ryo1 Level 8 Dec 31, 2023

Tribalism. People feel better when they believe they're part of a group.


You nailed it wordywalt. I was born in Georgia and have lived here all my life and was taught in grade school about how the Confederacy was fighting for states rights and how brave and heroic the Confederacy was. It took me well into my adulthood to realize that that version of history was a load of bullshit.

The Confederacy were enemies of the U.S. and traitors to this country. Just because the land I live in was briefly a part of the Confederacy means absolutely nothing. And anytime I see someone displaying the Confederate flag I immediately know that their almost certainly racists and utterly ignorant of history.

I'm 100% fine with removing statues of Confederate "heroes" and removing their names from buildings, streets, and the sides of mountains.

The history of the U.S. should make every American angry. Seems like a good way to not repeat the mistakes of the past.

I was also born in Georgia -- Specifically in Quitman, site of a race riot in the early 1900s.Even qs a child, I never understood he racism of that culture in which I was raised.

@wordywalt Wow, I've lived in Georgia all my life (50+ years) and never heard of Quitman. But I know what you mean about the racism. My father is a racist and I grew up hearing the n-word all the time. I even called my sister the n-word when I was little because I didn't know any better. I'm glad my father's racism didn't take root in me.

@Charles1971 My father was what I calla cultural recist. That is, he did not hate Blacks, but felt comfortable with the racism and went along with it.


I lived there as a young wife in the late 60's ( schools still segregated!! George Wallace's brother, the county judge, signed my divorce papers!)
And it was Exactly the same, in well over 50 years Zero change.
"The South is gonna rise again......"

I can remember racist quots such as1 (1 "Save your Conferedate moneym boys. The south will rise again. and *2( "I was 12 yEARS OLD BEFORE i LEARNEDTHAT DAMNED yANKEE WAS 2 WORDS."


Heritage is created by subsequent generations and when the evolution of that heritage is for the betterment of future generations then it becomes something to be proud of. To go backward is to lose progress.

Betty Level 8 Dec 30, 2023

They probably think that it was "The Good OLd Days". That slavery was okay, etc, etc.

@Gwendolyn2018 Well, the same people vote for Donald and the Republicans. They imagine themselves to be temporary poor, or that power and money will somehow suddenly be theirs.


I have lived south of the Mason Dixon line a few times, and I am thankful not to live there now. I never found anything appealing about the areas. Not my peeps.

While there are still a few hold outs, no one I know (and I know many people) fit wordywalts description. I can't speak for Florida (where wordy lives) but I can tell you that in N. Carolina such thought is limited to rural areas, and even in rural areas it itsn't very popular.

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