9 4
  1. What are you going to accomplish?
Corvislover 7 Jan 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Going to get a passport.

where are you headed

Ah! Thanks for the reminder. Mine is expired and I should renew it. Can't imagine that I'll need it soon, but maybe this summer I'll go to Canada.

I did get the TSA Pre-Check while my passport was still valid for that. That has saved time and cut down on stress during travel.

Hope you're heading somewhere fun!

@Corvislover I have a friend who wants me to go on a cruise with her. She says it'll be more fun if I can leave the boat.


Try not to die until I find an executor of my estate.


Redistributed. There was one thing I’d wanted to do since 1974, and that was to live in Hawai’i. Now I’ve done it, and I’m so happy I could spit.


Dance more! I'm going to let someone teach me how to partner dance. I've always wanted to dance with somebody instead of always just singly. It was fine during covid when we all just danced separately, I was in heaven! But more and more lately, when I go out, people are asking me to dance and want to spin and do all the fun things, but I just never learned how to do it. I know a lot of good dancers and they often offer to teach me. So I might take someone up on that offer.

29 years of marriage and 10 years LTR and never got to partner dance. I love watching others dance, and would love to give it a try. I can dance hula, but just don't have the skills to dance to regular rock and roll. It's one of the things I love to do, and so want to improve that part of my life.

Everything else, I think I'm kind of on track. I would resolve to clean my house and exercise more, but that is always a nagging obvious suggestion every time I see my messy home or get tired just walking up the stairs. Resolutions don't seem to help me there!

I learned to couples dance when I moved to Yuma. It brought me so much joy! Then the pandemic came, and after a while I realized that was the only thing I really loved about Yuma. I hope I’ll get the opportunity to dance again.


I have been lucky enough to achieve all of my ambitions in life so far, some people do not believe me when I say that because I am not rich, but being rich was never my ambition.


I want to get physically stronger....the odyssey of the shoulder replacement, 2+ years to unfold, plus of course Time, has done me no favors in that area!


Already doing what I can.


I'm hoping to find a new job, get my sleep issues fixed, get my eye issues fixed, make a couple of quilts, and continue learning to speak Dutch.


I'll do the same old things as long as I can. No booze this year and no resolutions of any kind. In my mind I'm saying stay focused. I was alone at home watching "True Nightmares" in a binge sort of way. Decided to go to bed about 12:15 and I heard maybe 10 minutes of fireworks from a few of the neighbors.

I have no bucket list. Already done what I wanted and this includes travel. Foot neuropathy helps me make up my mind of lots of things. I walk funny and keep my balance. A few years ago I could climb like a monkey and might have made a good stunt man.

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