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One of the three proven sexual predators in this photo is dead by his own hand; one is in prison; and one led an insurrection against the United States AND has been indicted in 4 jurisdictions on 91 felony counts AND was found guilty of sexual battery and defamation (and ordered to pay 5 million dollars) AND has been found guilty of fraud (and is facing a 250 million dollar fine for that) AND had his New York business licenses revoked. And here's the kicker: he's the presumptive GOP nominee for president of the United States. Truth is stranger than fiction! 😂

Flyingsaucesir 8 Jan 4

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I'm not convinced he died of his own hand... Money and power can make a lot of things happen and get covered up. It's fascinating and revolting all at the same time. I think there is so much more to the whole story than we will ever know.

We may never know what exactly happened, but the simplest explanation is that the guy knew he was screwed, he was facing hard time on a charge that generally attracts harsh treatment from fellow inmates, and he took the easy way out. A conspiracy involving jailers, money, and powerful people to murder him in his cell seems very complicated and much less likely.


They are all revolting.


But, but, but drump said he never met the guy.....

That's what he always says, right? "I don't know who that is." 😂 Such a liar! 😂

Back when the photo above first showed up in public I claimed it proved that Trump knew Epstein and his faithful followers jumped on me bigtime, calling me names and saying Trump was in so many pics with people that they believed easily that he never met Epstein.

@DenoPenno The members of a personality cult are always going to go to the mat for the object of the sycophancy.

Every time he opens his mouth a big fat frog come out.

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