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Almost four years after the start of the plandemic, it is now an open secret that the Covid vaccines are in fact a bioweapon, despite governments and media continuing the ‘safe and effective’ narrative. Almost daily, new data comes forward proving that they are anything but.

Recently a whistle blower in New Zealand released the government’s secret data showing the undeniable link between deaths and the jabs, to the extent that some batches have a death rate 20x higher than the general population. Recent data from the UK government shows that the vaccinated there now account for 96% of all deaths, across all age groups, despite only 70% of the population being vaccinated.

And the truth continues to come out. DNA in the shots discovered earlier this year by Dr. Kevin McKernan has since been verified by several other highly qualified researchers. SV40, a strand of the simian virus, metal contaminants, and very recently a protein very similar to spider silk that may be the cause of the highly unusual and never seen before blood clots found in the veins of those killed by the vaccines.

There is hope, though. Effective treatments have been found for spike protein toxicity and researchers around the world are working at reverse engineering the vaccines to understand their full effect upon the body and to find ever more effective treatments to at least reduce the damage.

Dr. Mark Trozzi has been fighting the war for truth since 2021, at the cost of his career and the probability of financial ruin at the hands of the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.

In this interview, Mark brings us an update on all the recent discoveries about the vaccines and what each discovery means in terms of effects upon the body, but also his optimism that effective treatments for those who were coerced and deceived into taking the vaccines will continue to be found. []

1patriot 8 Jan 4

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These idiots are gonna get sick from.the covid shots and they like to brag about "evolution" and the Darwin awards. You can't get a man pregnant you fucking win the Darwin awards idiots.


You are an idiot

your a sheep! the truth pisses a bunch of you sheep off that's good maybe you will get mad enough at the ones that pushed it....unless you were one pushing the needle into peoples arms!


Ohferpetesake, why not spend a moment Googling your supposed "experts" and then slink away..........


Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe ( Albert Einstein )

and the expert crowd don't ask questions they just jump on the insults with no proof of there own! obvious you guys have no friends or family!

@1patriot Well that's the thing: we do, and we have all been vaccinated, and they're all doing fine. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir fantastic but many people aren't and like i say you have no empathy for those who sick and still dying. have you checked your T cell count?

@1patriot []

I bet this poor guy wished the vaccine had been around earlier.

@Moravian and what .002% might have died from covid where 20-30 million have died and are still dying from from the vaccine. world wide! way more died from the vaccine than from covid.

@Moravian Florida Surgeon General Warns Against Using mRNA COVID Vaccines Over Possible Cancer Risk

About a week before she left for the south back in November, Sandra mentioned about getting her fucking covid shots up to date.
I will never have to wonder if any of my maladies were caused by those fucking shots.

@1patriot The first vaccine was administered in the UK in April 2021 and by Sept of that year it was a contributory factor in the deaths of 9 people. In February and March of that year 21,782 died from Covid. From April onwards the numbers reduced dramatically due to the vaccination programme to around 1000 per month.
Those figures are easily checked if you can be bothered.

@Moravian and yes many of them were killed by the protocol high flow oxygen is the worst thing they can do and each hospital was paid more and more for item they administered some they got remdesvir and if they labelled the death as covid they got more money so how can you tell who really died from covid and who was murdered. the state of induced coma i could hear lots things being said and i just went through long covid no doctor would help me i had to investigate every thing and am 99% better still have numbness in my right foot. it was these on line doctors that helped + a walk clinic doctor that is fighting with the Alberta physicians surgeons all over the covid injections. as he seen to many people die or get sick from these shots.... My wife saved my live in hospital after asking the doctor to CT-Scan my lungs the doctor in hospital said no we don't need to do that he will recover, because she pushed the CT scan they did the scan and changed me from Covid to Viral pneumonia they started treating me with antibiotic's and she said i responded with in one day. but the fucker kept in an induced coma for 2 more fucking weeks....why you tell me why..... our new premier announces we will pull out of the WEF covid hospital protocol. Of which she disagree with and it was a good thing. they were killing many seniors i know this shit first hand and many of the story i listen to as i recovered told the same fucking you weren't there!!!! my wife can tell you much as she was my care giver until the doctors took it away from her.....they brought me out of the coma twice once to ask me to get jabbed and once to ask me if i wanted the doctor to save my life. both times i have tubes in my mouth very drowsy, i can't speak one time thumb down another time thumbs up. on the thumbs up they kicked my wife out of the hospital and gave the order that the doctors looking after me have the right to determine if i live or die. now i know you think that was fucking good for me....i live in cattle country people in this area were getting sick and many of the ranchers and many of them used ivermectin that they use on their cattle to treat themself and they did not go through any of the shit i went through....

@1patriot Sorry to hear about your health issues. I know a couple of people with long covid and it is very debilitating. There is no doubt that the Govt and NHS here panicked and mistakes were made, one of the worst was sending untested elderly patients to care homes to free up hospital beds. However the NHS is not money driven like the US system so that was no the case here

@Moravian and yet it shows New Zealand deaths we just as high as the UK death rate in the same time period.....i remember a few on this site even a nurse from New zealand saying the article i posted was full of shit, the politician beating the drum was a piece of shit she showed me articles written about this politician. a week later a whistle blower for the new zealand government who was the only one keeping the stats said 30 or more people per day were dying from the covid shots....still a bunch on this site laughed at it said it was bullshit and now this whistle blower is in jail for expose the know how that works these days!

@1patriot … this whistle blower is in jail for expose the government...

Just curious, who is this whistleblower in New Zealand you’re referring to here?

@Zealandia The Expose reported last week that an administrator who had been overseeing New Zealand’s Covid vaccine database had come forward as a whistleblower. The whistleblower, Barry Young had disclosed that data had shown a concerning proportion of individuals had died shortly after receiving a Covid vaccine. Days following this disclosure, journalist Liz Gunn reported that Young had been raided by the police on Sunday, and now, according to James Freeman on radio station TNT, he could face up to 7 years in prison.

@1patriot Thanks, so it’s Barry Young.

As far as I’m aware, he’s out on bail now, so isn’t in prison.

His court case is pending. Don’t know what the possible jail term is for what he did.

@Zealandia whistleblowers must be protected some how, you Snowden, and Julian Assange. all facing charges for whistleblowing. well the criminals all keep their jobs if you look at he CDC and NIH many of the CEO of these organizations previously works for Pfizer or some other pharmaceutical company. all conflict of interest.

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