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Let's See Into Your World


WhatsInAName 6 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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0 my right. Maya the Wonder Husky!


Making paper mache horns for a team of 5th graders. They're doing a "Battle of the Books" next week. They chose the name "book beasts." Watching Agatha Christie mysteries on Acorn TV as I work 🙂


Just walked out the front door.

Coldo Level 8 May 5, 2018

Riding the "bus..."

@MrLizard Physio-Control Lifepak 15 patient monitor / defibrillator / transcutaneous pacemaker. Used for diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. "Bus" in this case is a euphemism for ambulance where I'm working at the moment.


Don't have a smart phone anymore-no can do.

ok not taken today-after icestorm-my poor house


These weren't taken today, but this is where I'm sitting now.


The window outside my home office.... I stare out this a lot when I'm the phone with clients and am deep in thought

@Silvertongue lol ?


My office

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