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Why so stuck on someone else's definition of God?

Drank_Spear 7 Jan 6

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Atheist God= Government, so they can pretend they don't believe. They simply changed the word God to Government and Tithe to Tax


I don’t give a crap about what other people define as a God, or believe in as long as I don’t believe in one myself.

Neither do I.

Yet you believe in Government

@SpikeTalon You got that right

@SpikeTalon hey glad to see some really "awake" people


Who's definition and which god? You will need to elaborate.

Betty Level 8 Jan 7, 2024

I see our resident simpleton, a.k.a. @4thwiseman, is again flaunting his stupidity.


Which definition of which god?


Ummmmm, what???
What is Your definition of "Crumbleteeter"? Same usefulness to everybody......


You can accept any belief of god that you want to. After long religious studies I no long belief in the god being because there is no evidence for such a being.

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