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I used to be a Christian ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 11

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And there are more than one bibble & many books omitted. Such nonsense.


I read the bilebull cover to cover for the first time when I was 13 years old, only to be admonished for doing it by my mother, my methodist minister and my RE Teacher.
Then I discovered that the KJV Bible was missing at least 15 books that were only in the Douay Rheims so I got one of those and read it too.
My mother went hysterical because she thought I was turning catholic and becoming an anti-christ
My RE Teacher told me not to refer to it in school as (and at the time this was true) It was ILLEGAL for the Douay Rheims to be used in UK state schools and it was actually also ILLEGAL for Roman Catholics to even teach RE in UK senior schools.
Then of course I found out that in the Ethiopian Coptic Bible there were still more books in the canon The book of Enoch for example
It seemed every time I thought I had read every scriptural variation on the Hulu bobble I would find another canon, all of which claimed to be the one true "Word of the Lord" definitive Christian Holy Book.

"Bilebull" I like it. πŸ™‚

@anglophone I've always enjoyed "Buybull" myself. πŸ˜‰


Me too. I studied it from beginning to end and found it fake and false.


And yet Christians still call it "The Good Book"!

Because they haven't read the bible. They depend on the pastors and priests to tell them what it says and we all know what liars they are.

@Betty Which is a brilliant condemnation of all those who are too damned lazy to read Bible for themselves. ((Hugs))

@anglophone Maybe the "thee's, thou's, thy's, and thine's confuse them.

So true


"I wanna Kill. Kill! KIll! Kill!"
Arlo Guthrie
Alice's Restaurant

Good ole Arlo! That's been me my whole damned adult life, another reject outcast non-conformist, hanging out with the other ones, on the Group W bench, being told, "Kid, we don't like your kind", by some asshole in authority.....

@TomMcGiverin So accustomed being unliked by those in authority, who are in that place not by merit. A badge of honor as a non conformist. A square peg in a round world. So essential if the world is to progress in areas necessary to save the planet for posterity. Standing alone can be lonesome but it builds courage among sheep.


I’m a born again atheist!! ☺️

Hmm... I guess we are all born atheists. Then some of us were indoctrinated into religion, and by giving up on religion or getting over religion, I guess we can say we were "born again."

@snytiger6 Right, hallelujah!!! πŸ˜‡

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