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Catholic Church no meat on Fridays ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 15

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The problem is that we don't eat fertilized eggs. There's no contradiction.

Some people do ear fertilized eggs. When I was a kid we had chickens, and a rooster, and most of the eggs we ate were fertilized. Also, some "organic" eggs are fertilized.

@snytiger6 Very, VERY few eggs percentage wise are eaten fertilized. Eating unfertilized eggs, the way the vast majority are eaten, is not at all contradictory with their beliefs. (And we're ignoring the fact that their holy book makes very clear the differences between man and animal e.g. dominating over them, sacrificing them, etc.)

Look I think their rules are stupid as shit. And there's plenty of them to make fun of. Why not attack the ones where we have stable footing?


The eggs we eat (at least the eggs I eat) are not fertilized, therefore they do not relate.

Some eggs bought in the store are fertilized. Although, you are correct in that most aren 't. They simply don't put the male in with the hens. Of course then that crosses over into "birth control" which the Catholic church is also against.

@snytiger6 The point was unfertilized chicken eggs (which almost are in stores) is not comparable to fertilized human eggs.


Catholics will fight to the death for a child until it is out of its mother's body then it's on its own especially when a priest gets his sticky fingers on it.
Since an egg is already out of its mothers body but is still an embryo, it is in a no win situation, in the shell it is breakfast, out of the shell it is Sunday dinner.

But, but, but ... surely, as an atheist, am I not entitled to eat babies? 😉


The RCC has a long history of being willfully stupid. I see no motive for it to change that.


This is exactly how your bible gets it.. A child is not a child until it is born.

Try saying that to all the mental defectives that scream about the "unborn child".


catch 22 of catechism

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