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“I think the border is a very important issue for Donald Trump. And the fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling.”
-- Mitt Romney,
January 25, 2024


Flyingsaucesir 8 Jan 26

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Another take on Trump's view is that he wants get re-elected and then claim he fixed the border problem.

That's exactly half right. Trump wants, NEEDS to get elected. But the incompetent fool could never solve the border/immigration problem. He would only pander to his xenophobic base with a series of ineffectual knee-jerk reactions, and only make the problem worse.

" Xenophobic base. " Wow who's having the kneejerk reaction? In a style Hillary Clinton would be proud of.
Demonizing a huge swath of the country , with generalised accusations of racism based on a opinion.
Hilary Clinton would be proud. Shes an elitist love scorned, hateful
Her . " Basket of deplorables ". comment was purely said to divide the country.

From some random non Americans POV .
There's no fixing the divide between left & right in the USA .
The Govt uniparty only portrays the illusion that there's two sides anyway .

@Seriousreason Belief in bogus Replacement Theory is absolutely prevalent in Trump's base. It's what Trump's base is all about. "Build a wall!" Pure xenophobia.


Donnie Boy is the biggest Russian asset in the USA.

Yup, he's Putin's lackey..

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