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You want Christian prayer in my kid's public school? ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 28

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Unfortunately, America is losing its belief in separation of church and state. No telling where this will lead, but it won't be to anything good.

I don't think they are losing their belief in the separation of church and state so much as the religious are becoming desperate as they see their numbers, at least in percentages of population, dwindle. As their desperation increases, they convince themselves that the separation of church ans state isn't all that important, not realizing that it is a reason they are free to practice their religion. They never experienced anything but religious freedom, and take it for granted.

@snytiger6 I agree that is a factor. Christians are starting to talk like martyrs even though they still clearly in the majority. But, they don't seem to appreciate that fact that if they can force their religion on others, it is only a matter of time before other religions will start to do the same thing by claiming the same right to do so.


Appropriate tit for tat..


Evolutionary Biology, and Medically Accurate Sex Education.


this is true but what is also true is that our education system is mostly corporate interests educating our youth for the slave life they are about to embark on.


Christians just do not get it that prayer in a public school would not apply only to them. Religions of all would come right into the teaching agenda and Christians have gained nothing. How stupid can you get.

It's selective ignorance.

In my experience pretty damn stupid…..🤠

A significant fraction of Christians are catastrophically stupid. Just look at the number of shit-for-brains public school governors who try to foist Christianity onto the students.

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