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US AIRMAN SETS HIMSELF ON FIRE TO PROTEST THE RULING CLASS’ COLONIZATION OF GAZA S soldier sets himself on fire outside Israel's embassy in DC in protest for Palestine - Both US and Israel, cold blooded mass murderers. God will soon judge the guilty of their ongoing heinous crimes against all the innocent. RIP brave soul...

US airman sets himself on fire outside Israel embassy to protest ‘genocide

1patriot 8 Feb 26

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If he was that upset about the genocide he should have helped fight if he was gonna die anyway

the military would throw him in jail for treason

@1patriot he died by lighting himself on fire , wtf did he care?

@Communistbitch did you get a chance to watch the video he explains what his protest was. i can't remember i posted it this was about the genocide in Gaza that america and Israel are doing

@1patriot I watched him die by fire, I didnt hear anything he said.

My point is that he could have died fighting instead of burning himself alive.

@1patriot there was an idiot holding a his dead body after he fell down and the other people were using the fire extinguisher

@Communistbitch video he explains at the beginning what his protest was about the genocide in Gaza that america and Israel are doing. he didn't want any more useless deaths


WTF has God got to do with it?


This post proves that you are a troll. God will judge🤔. What god. You dumb troll trying to pass your bullshit here. You're in the wrong forum. Go back to Twitter or X. We're not buying your crap.

fuck off i am not change the way the article was written you asshole would than call me a plagiarist so ass hole as that a gender natural for a woke prick!

@1patriot 🤣🤣


Buddhist, was he?

With a name like Aaron? I'd put my money on Jewish.
Seems he had received orders he could be deployed at a moments notice to assist the genocide in Gaza. Seems that may have upset his sense of humanity.

annewimsey500 how the fuck would you know....oh yea you know everything i forgot.

@1patriot ummm, a question mark at the end of a sentence means it is a Question. Way to make yourself look literate.......

@1patriot, @puff Elvis ARON Presley????
Methinks your racist bias is showing......

@annewimsey500 Posted the history of the name. Some priest of Moses or some crap. Who cares which of the 3 stooge religions adopt it, still 1st Testament based. Popular with Christians and Jews I dare say.

@annewimsey500 i don't give a shit what he is why do you?

@puff Puff you know that is a lie, he was scheduled for separation in May and was out processing from the Air Force, he in no way was in danger of deployment.


That was a dumb move. They are so self-absorbed, neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians will hate each other any less or treat each other any better for it.

Just illustrates the US air force moral is at an all time high. They love assisting slaughtering women and children, destroying historic building and hospitals.
Following illegal orders that clash with their humanity, and having genocide Joe as commander in Chief. Dare say moral is at an all time high in all Western NATO sycophant militaries. US Navy too I hear, submarine offices not re-enlisting.
Prepared us with mandated medicine, be prepared for mandated military service. You may have noticed media floating the idea, get us plebs with the new program.

@puff First, I would not be too quick to draw any generalizations about US military morale (yes, it's spelled with an "e" ) based on one person who obviously had psychological problems beyond the normal, everyday ennui, anxiety, and/or sadness.

Second, the question of whether Israel's actions constitute genocide was litigated before the International Court of Justice, and that conclusion was not definitive. The court ruled that SOME of the actions taken by Israel COULD fall within the definition of genocide, but that point remains open to debate.

Third, the ICJ did NOT order Israel to cease military operations in Gaza. The fact remains that Hamas is still a lethal force actively fighting Israel. It is most unfortunate that Hamas is using the civilian population of Gaza as a human shield, but that is on Hamas and the Palestinian leadership, not Israel. Hamas is a creature of the Palestinian people. Hamas fighters are Palestinians, the sons, brothers, and fathers of the Palestinian people. If you poll the Palestinian people, ask them who they think is responsible for their current misery, they blame Israel 100%. In essence, they are saying they are ok with being used as human shields.

Fourth, while one can make the case that, starting in 1948, Israel pushed, bullied, and elbowed Palestinians off their land, it is also legitimate to ask, "Why?" Why was that necessary? I submit the possibility that Israel had little choice.

It is a fact that Palestinians today utterly reject the right of Israel to exist. To my knowledge, this has always been the case. The only world body with any legitimacy, the United Nations, issued a charter for the establishment of a Jewish state in the Levant. And some of the Arab people there (not all!) rejected that authority. In essence, some Arabs gave (and are still giving) the the whole world the middle finger.

No one can deny that the grievances and hatred between Arabs and Jews in Palestine predate the 1948 UN charter by at least a thousand years. Maybe the UN should have known better than to green light a Jewish state there. But that is water under the bridge. The fact is, they did. And when the government exercises its right of eminent domain, you can only litigate for so long before the sheriff padlocks your house and the bulldozers come and knock it down. And if you did not accept what was offered in compensation, you're shit out of luck. You are NOT allowed to wage a campaign of terror on your new neighbors, no matter how much you hate them. And if you plant a bomb on a civilian bus, you lose all legitimacy. Anyone who would murder innocent civilians over a shitty little patch of desert is a mangy dog and needs to be put down.

Well that is where we are now. Throughout my whole life (64 years so far), I have been hearing about Palestinian bombings, shootings, stabbings, hijackings, kidnappings, and hostage takings of civilians not just in Israel, but all over the world. The bloodthirsty scum that carry out these acts deserve no quarter. It's not like they had no choice. Many Palestinian Arabs made the intelligent choice to coexist, to assimilate, or to migrate. They did NOT decide to become murderers of women, children, and the elderly.

Fifth, given all of this background, it is totally reasonable for any American president to honor the commitment our grandfathers made back in 1948. The world made a commitment to support a Jewish state in the Levant. We should not abandon that commitment just because a relatively small band sore losers have decided to defy the world and spill innocent blood to make their point. In any case, Israel IS a sovereign nation, and no American president can dictate how they manage their affairs. So blaming Joe Biden for the humanitarian disaster in Gaza is both childish and unfair. Mind you, Biden had been calling on Israel to show restraint FROM THE GIT GO.

@Flyingsaucesir "Anyone who would murder innocent civilians over a shitty little patch of desert is a mangy dog and needs to be put down."
Could not agree more, starting with the whole IDF and Netanyahu's parliament.

"The world made a commitment to support a Jewish state in the Levant."
The world also made a commitment for a Palestinian state, one that Israel totally rejects eg an example of a call to genocide.
I think you will find the hatred is not directed at Jews but Zionists, who view and treat Palestinians as lesser beings.

"Biden had been calling on Israel to show restraint FROM THE GIT GO."
Whilst continuing to arm and provide satellite/ targeting intelligence and cover via veto at the UN. Biden is full of shit.

Israel has done it's own thing for a long time like expanding through settlements and developing nukes (technology stolen from the US but that's another story). Any criticism has been defeated by cries of the Holocaust and antisemitisms.
Those days are over and the world will now hold them to account. Had enough of their BS.

@Flyingsaucesir Israel doesn't exist legitimately and never will , even the presidency at the time had different opinions on whether it should exist .. it's over , they had nearly 80 years of support.. It's over... They fucked up the chance at having a state,by choosing Palestine.. it's over.. the world sees Israel giving us the Middle finger


Has Israel ever had an offensive war? No, Israel does what it has to do to survive in a part of the world that hates it so much.

Tejas Level 8 Feb 26, 2024

1948-2024. Do you know Palestinians are the only civilians in the world where they are ruled by military law and not civil law? Military law is harsher and much less just, less onus of proof, no real appeal process. Why are they subjected to military law you may ask? Because they are an occupied people subject to apartheid. An occupation is somewhat offensive yes?
Tell that to your peace loving Zionist friends. And who gives a fuck about history because in the here and now a genocide is occurring. "Never again" means the world will never again stand by and witness a state sponsored genocide using a state military aka IDF and do nothing
Seems the US never got the message and psycho Zionists are so self absorbed, they think "Never again" is purely about them.
Support Israel you support an extreme religious state.

@puff i did not know that military law. most western countries are under admiral Law which is the law of the sea. we are trying to change it to the law of land which A quick definition of law of the land:
The law of the land refers to all the valid laws that exist in a country or jurisdiction at a particular time. This includes all the rules and regulations that people must follow. The law of the land is always changing as new laws are made and old ones are removed. It is important because it protects people's rights and ensures that everyone is treated fairly. The phrase "law of the land" comes from the Magna Carta, which was a document created a long time ago to protect people's rights.

@puff ummm, @puff...North Korea?

#1 Nth Korea is a rogue state
#2 Nth Korean civilian law is harsh enough, don't have to impose extra military laws.
#3 As a soldier, you come under both; civil and military.


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If you need essay writing assistance you are a brain dead cunt (confirmed by your "nice" comment) and should stick to lifting heavy things, if you're capable of that even.

@puff Do not be too quick to disparage the writing of others, Junior. Yours is not exactly exemplary. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir True but I'm telling a spammer to piss off. he's trying to flog off a product. Read what his "comment" on this post is eg nothing to do with it.


God will not judge. Frequency and vibration will be what it will be for everyone.

frequency was high or he was mind controlled

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