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Nobody talks about Jesus' miracle of ...

snytiger6 9 Feb 28

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Right, he looks like a complete loser to me…..πŸ˜‡


I've never had that many friends in my adult life.

Me either


Maybe they were all part of a softball team and they just left that part out of the bible, haha!



Yeah but then.....there's the thing about the Magdalene..... πŸ™‚ And that kinky foot thing....


And all men, do ya think?


If you can turn water into wine, you can have all the friends you want.

BD66 Level 8 Feb 28, 2024

I can do that, but it takes 6 weeks.

That is true. 😊

The water into wine story was originally a story about Dionysus, but recycled by Christians for their own use.

@snytiger6 Christians were very good at borrowing other stories and putting them to use.

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