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Then what, Jesus?

snytiger6 9 Mar 11

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IMHO The fundies just feel that they now have permission to shout the quiet part. For a brief time it was considered bad to be racist, etc. now it seem like it is mainstream.


Can we start using a black Jesus in these memes!? 🤠


Then the communists and atheists keep using my name and doing the opposite of what I taught


Hallelujah…..praise the Lord!!!!😇🙏😇


Yup, that is probably what Jesus would say if he could see how Evangelical "Christians" and "Christian" Nationalists have twisted and distorted his message to suit their own political agenda. Of course, he can't, because, if he ever really existed, he was just a man, and he's been dead for 2,000 years.

You mean he's not on The Walking Dead?

@DenoPenno I would watch that spinoff. holy hand grenades!!

@foolmeonce Holy hand grenade.... wasn't that Monty Python?

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