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Can I rant about my coworker for a minute?

Ugh here's what I hate about my job.

One of my coworkers can complain about things I do in an email to the entire office. Like, some are valid complaints that she could just talk to me about. Like yesterday I had sunflower seeds and I guess some landed under the chair and I didn't notice. Nbd let me know and I'll pay closer attention but noooo she has to address an email to everyone in the office about how filthy it was and woe is her she had to have housekeeping vacuum.

Yet if I tell her if she brings nuts into the office again (she alone has put me into anaphylaxis three times) I'm going to file a complaint I am "a bad team member". Oh believe me she does a ton of shit that irritates me like moving the trash can, leaving the binder where it DOESN'T GO, not deleting the 65 entries she hadn't done, leaving pens everywhere, always complaining about how she doesn't want to work but she works 2 days a week...etc but I know if I mention anything she does that irritates me then I am the one that doesn't work well.

This is the girl who either plays dubstep or religious music despite me saying 100 times I dislike it. She begs me like every month to cover her shifts (she works two days. To cover my days off. And occassionally she works the shift before mine to cover that persons days off) so she can go vacation. She's such a high maintenance bubble girl who only wants to marry a rich guy so she doesn't have to work. We are oil and water. The only reason I even tolerate her is because she sometimes covers when I'm unwell. Other than that she frustrates me so much.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 May 6

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Your letting the small stuff bother you. Lighten up a bit. Think about it.... you could probably play her game better then she can.


Maybe.... you should start looking for a different job.

Why? You will always have a coworker you don't get on with no matter where you work. Running away because you dislike them only proves you can't work as a team

Sorry kiddo. I've managed numerous groups of folks in my past career. Neither of you strike me as team players. Do you both report to the same manager?

@bigpawbullets yes we do. I think I'm being a great team player by keeping my mouth shut and putting up with her bullshit with a smile.


Health & Safety chick here. Write her up about the nuts. That's life and death and not tolerated in most workplaces.

Unfortunately it's basically always tolerated here. My employment has been very clear that they really couldn't care less about nut allergies. And if I report them I'll just lose my job

@LadyAlyxandrea If they are aware of your allergies and do not take steps to protect you, they might be liable for financial damages. Before it gets that far, you deserve to work at a much better place.

@pixiedust I already know what they'd say and in kansas it isn't a matter of right or wrong it's a matter of money. "You are responsible for yourself. You should be responsible about protecting yourself from allergies". They put nuts in everything for the holiday food and don't label it. I asked to label things with nuts they said "bring your own food it's not our responsibility to make sure you are responsible for yourself".

And damn it kansas truly would rule in their favor if I charged them

@LadyAlyxandrea That's just nasty

@LadyAlyxandrea I once made a co-worker phone his Mom during the office party. I thought I'd just ingested coconut and was going to have to either Epi-Pen or get to the ER.
He was good sport about it. (Thankfully).
But nuts? We always marked. (And asked around too!).

@RavenCT hey I'm also allergic to coconut. One of the rarer food allergies, and my first one. It's a shame because my favorite cake is german chocolate and now it's twice as deadly.

Yeah it really sucks I've brought up the injustice around here multiple times, even trying to make a law that restaurants have to store their nut based foods seperated from their non-nut based foods. I havent had donuts in years because the donut shops always store them all in the same case. Alas it always comes down to "we would rather you suffer forever than make us do ANYTHING extra!!!"

@LadyAlyxandrea Peanuts too? Or are you the other nuts?

I just bought a jar of Cashew butter today and felt so smug!

@RavenCT peanuts AND tree nuts. Oddly enough.


Wow, hope you feel better now. So sometimes she does cover your shifts. Seems to me like you are giving away way too much power to even worrying about her at all. Put your head down, do your job and stop giving her any power over how you feel.

People who say that stuff have either never had human interaction or are narcisists, imo. If the actions and reactions of people in your life don't affect you, then there's something suspiciously wrong.

@LadyAlyxandrea I hardly think that I am either. Of course actions do affect all of us, however it is all about how you react to them. If this is happening to you you need to look at that, there are ways to get around it. Perhaps professional help is needed for you.

@Jolanta are you seriously suggesting I need therapy because I'm annoyed by my fucking coworker? Seriously? Maybe you need therapy for thinking that anyone who experiences annoyance is nuts

@LadyAlyxandrea You may need it, after all I am just trying to make your life more pleasant. I was wondering why are you using four letter words, if you get angry about someone suggesting something to you like that you probably do need some help.

@Jolanta the word fuck is just a word. And don't tell me it makes me less intelligent, because science proved that wrong. You are not trying to make my life pleasant you are being judgemental and insulting. Not everyone can reach your snobbish level of zen, friend.

@LadyAlyxandrea Well "LadyAlysandrea" with your kind of attitude I am not surprised that your co workers are not on your side. And talking about four letter words, one can be intelligent but still have no common sense.

@Jolanta okay lady you can take your condescending "I'm better than everyone because I have no actual emotions" looking down your nose and blow off.


I broke a jar of pickles at the register in WalMart today. She'd LOVE me. Sunflower seeds - she lucky you aren't Fox Mulder! lol

She sounds really shallow, And that's no fun at all.

Also if she brings nuts in again - write her up.

Vent away all we can do is listen. And suggest some black magic. 😉

When I told her I'd file a report next time she said "that sounds threatening you shouldn't threaten!" I'm like "bitch I have a right to protect myself. You've nearly KILLED me multiple times and since asking nicely hasn't LODGED it in your brain I will press charges next time. Maybe THEN you'll take it seriously." But then I get reprimanded for a hostile environmemt. It's stupid.

@LadyAlyxandrea That's ridiculous. Warning someone they might kill you is a threat? Sigh.

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