10 13

I need for someone to explain to my why ...

snytiger6 9 Mar 28

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The concept of a living wage is a topic that involves various perspectives and nuances in politics. While there is a general understanding that individuals should earn enough to meet their basic needs, the specific definition and implementation of a living wage can vary significantly based on factors such as location, cost of living, economic conditions, and political ideologies. As a result, discussions around what constitutes a living wage and how it should be established often involve debates and differing opinions among policymakers, economists, and the general public.

In other words, that concept to date has no settled boundary(s) or set amount values, so it remains a debatable concept. Also, not all jobs and professions are created equally, some are more complex to perform than others, and naturally would command a higher rate of pay. Take for example a comparison in tech-related careers, a job in digital marketing/E-commerce is not nearly as technical in nature as say cybersecurity would be, the latter of which would command a higher salary.


I have found that talking to those that defend the 1% are those foolish enough to think that they will or can become that 1%. These folks believe that by taking, always taking from them, and giving their money to someone else is the problem. It has always been, the blacks, women, immigrants, Okies, Democrats who are taking from them. It is never the billionaires who are hoarding the wealth via RepuDliKlans & their zero tax plans for the rich.

The Republican Party today is the party of small business. The Democrat party on the other hand is the party of the rich and powerful. They get mega donners and lots of money but Trump gets more small donners.

@Trajan61 you are delusional at best.

@annewimsey500 Your the delusional one!

@Trajan61 your opinion, but I use your, you're ,and yer properly


Because paying higher than the market price of labor will inflate prices of everything in the market,thus the domestic producers will not be able to compete with the foreign producers that have market economies .Thus leading to cutting down employees numbers and destroying the economy .Price =Marginal cost of labor. CEO’s income is not the marginal cost ,thus has no impact on the price of goods and services


Good question, many really, Really stupid replies below.

As well as the one above you...

I feel opressed.

So says the one who has nothing to say at all .. if you think the above post is intelligently written, you are definitely the stupid one.. I see you’re very good at criticizing people and when you do, you never add anything intelligent to the conversation.


Wow, a whole sheetload of commenters defending the people who exploit them. The meme is absolutely correct, if your business plan doesn't include paying your workers a living wage, it's exploitation not business. No matter how legal. And no matter how many Americans defend being screwed by a system set up to screw them.

Wow. I expected most responses to be similar to yours. I am very surprised that there were so many responses defending a system that screws most people over. They probably are also convinced that "trickle down" actually works despite the fact that after over 40 years it has only caused the middle class to slide down towards and often into the ranks of the working poor.

What is considered a living wage .The reason major corporations are leaving the US and relocating to other countries is due to overwhelming taxes and high wages

Do you not have a problem paying 26 dollars for a hamburger, fries and a drink at a McDonalds in California. A good example of what happens when government mandates high minimum wages. I hope that idiot Newsom never becomes president as his policies are crazy.

@Trajan61 I know you’re aware that liberal Democrats don’t know shit about economics if they ran the country, we’d all be broke

@nonbelieverx If Biden wins again that will likely break a lot of people.


What an idiotic post. These entrepreneurs, don’t buy rockets and spacecraft for themselves they manufacture them for NASA ,Starlink etc for communication, satellites, etc. so you can text on your cell phone all day long

fedup Level 6 Mar 28, 2024

This actually sounds like a question from somebody in kindergarten ,very good


Employees earn huge amounts of money building Yachts, rockets, and spacecraft .

juli15 Level 7 Mar 28, 2024

A stupid comparison


Rockets and spacecraft are businesses, that employ thousands of people not something a individual utilizes for their personal use or pleasure.


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